Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Migron Endangered!! Where are Yaelon and Hauser??


At least 3 homes in Jewish Migron, near Jerusalem, are slated for destruction due to cooperation, in the past, between the radical left and previous, anti-settlement oriented governments. The destruction orders were an attempt to create a precedent against more of the homes of Migron's almost 50 young families, and other settlements. Obviously there have been many calls on the present Government to rescind the destruction orders http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/145706. Responsible for rescinding these urgently (the destruction orders could be implemented any day this month!) are Minister Bogy Yaelon and Cabinet Secretary Zvi Hauser, neither of whom has taken action thus far.

The Left claims Migron's land may belong to Arabs -- but have not proven this in a court of law; even if they ever do, it is both customary and reasonable that inadvertent building on land that subsequently is found to have been privately owned in the distant past, should not be dealt with by razing the neighborhood. Instead, monetary compensation or substitute land can and will be provided to the heirs, if any, of the Arab owners, if any.

There is an ongoing tent of protest at Migron (particulars: religra@gmail.com ,054-5210002) and your attendance, THIS WEEK, would be crucial because it demonstrates the public support politicians need to see. By car from Jerusalem - 10 minutes from Hizme Roadblock, follow the "Nachlat Binyamin" vineyard signs. Or, Bus No. 143 from Jerusalem to Tel-Zion, approximately every 20 minutes, disembark at gas station and you will find many people driving to the Migron protest tent (Ohel Mechaa). Water and shade, walks near water, Torah lectures, kids' and teens' activities are available; please bring your own food or purchase at nearby store.

Also, anyone who has time and ability to write a personal letter about Migron to Minister Yaalon and Zvi Hauser, that would also be very helpful. Fax your letter to Minister Bogy Yaelon 02-6517299; if fax does not go through, report this by phone to 026773777. Fax Mr. Hauser, 025632580, report fax malfunction by phone to his office: 026705534. Thank you very much for showing your support!!

Our blog: http://mattotarim1.blogspot.com

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