Thursday, June 02, 2011

"Finding Our Strengths"

Arlene Kushner

MK Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) is advancing legislation that would require Hebrew names only -- and not Arabic -- to be used for all Jerusalem neighborhood, on signs and in official Israeli broadcasts.

While this may seem like a small matter, it is not -- and Hotovely is thinking clearly. There is great psychological impact inherent in a name. As she explained:

"In our battle for Jerusalem, it is important to recognize the historic Hebrew roots of the city...

"People say we can give up parts of Jerusalem because we didn't pray to return to Sheikh Jarreh or to Silwan. But we did pray to return to Shimon Hatzadik and to the City of David. "When a neighborhood is called by its correct name, it gives it significance. It's important."

Whether the proposed bill passes or not, we might all take our cue from her.


Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon (Yisrael Beitenu) left for Mexico City today, after which he will travel to El Salvador and a meeting of the Organization of American States. His goal is to counter the Palestinian Arab campaign for recognition of a Palestinian state.

Mexico remains on the fence in the matter, and -- if convinced to not to recognize a Palestinian state -- might have considerable sway over El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama.

Another country to be lobbied in this respect is Columbia. Considered Israel's closest ally in South America, this country currently sits on the UN Security Council; there is hope that it might vote with the US against UN membership for a Palestinian state. The US would prefer to not cast a vote in isolation, but to have backing in at least some quarters.


Clarification: There are 15 members of the Security Council, five permanent and 10 additional members serving two year terms. For a state to be approved for UN membership, it must receive nine votes out of the 15, with no veto by a permanent member. The US, alone, can stop the process. The desire to not stand alone is primarily political/diplomatic and not legal.


Meanwhile, the PA's Nabil Sha'ath has announced his plans to visit Mexico and Columbia to promote the Palestinian state.


The argument is being made by the US government that Obama gave his '67 borders speech in order to convince European nations not to support a Palestinian state. And so we see here, too, Obama's eagerness to get other states on board with his position.

But if the cost of stopping recognition of a unilaterally declared Palestinian state is international pressure on Israel to move back to untenable, indefensible lines that deny us basic rights, then I say bring on the unilateral declaration.

This is no favor to Israel.


We have a great deal to cope with in the coming weeks and months:

There has been talk for some time now, especially via Facebook, of plans by Palestinian Arabs to flood across our borders in September, when the Palestinian state is declared, or the vote is brought to the UN.

Now there is additional talk about such an effort in June, to coincide with the Six Day War. Mass rallies are being called for, to begin this Friday, and run through June 7. There are detailed plans for marches on Israel's borders from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Gaza. Additionally, there will be marches inside Jerusalem by Israeli Arabs to the Al Aksa Mosque on the Temple Mount.

According to a spokesman in the prime minister's office, Israel is ready to use "any means necessary" to protect its border...

"We're prepared for any eventuality, whether by use of the police, army, security forces, Foreign Ministry and of course the Prime Minister's office, to provide a security response to attempts to enter our territory...

"The borders are under our sovereignty and will be maintained, whatever the cost."

The IDF and related forces, having coped with attempts on "Nakba Day" to cross our borders, will undoubtedly be better prepared this time. And when it comes down to it, because the sanctity of borders must be maintained, we will do what is necessary. But one of the goals is to avoid casualties as much as is possible, because provoking massive casualties is part of their goal.


The IDF has learned another lesson, as well. This is with regard to those damned flotillas attempting to break our naval blockade of Gaza. Chief of Staff Benny Gantz says Israel is now prepared for the next flotilla, which may be coming later this month. (Or may be delayed a month or more if they don't have their act together yet.)

The navy -- utilizing commandos from the Israeli Navy Flotilla 13, the Shayetet -- has been conducting training exercises with the air force. Members of the Police and Prison Service who specialize in quelling civilian riots will also be involved.

"We will order the ships to stop, but if they don't we are prepared to intercept and board the ships," a senior navy officer said. There would be a number of "surprises" for the ships participating in the flotilla.

Here, too, action will be taken as necessary, but the goal will be to take the ships without casualties.


I've previously used this video "Our Best Defense," which sings "If I forget you, Oh Yerushalayim," and so yesterday I decided to run something else. But it's still the most moving (brings me to tears) and so I share it as Yom Yerushalayim draws to a close:


Neither would our day be complete without hearing the magnificent late Ofra Haza sing "Yerushalayim Shel Zahav" (Jerusalem of Gold).


© Arlene Kushner. This material is produced by Arlene Kushner, functioning as an independent journalist. Permission is granted for it to be reproduced only with proper attribution.
see my website

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