Monday, May 16, 2011

Song on PA TV: Jaffa, Acre, Haifa and Nazareth are Palestinian

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Two days before Palestinian "Nakba Day" - "Catastrophe Day" - the day Palestinian Authority mourns Israel's establishment, PA TV broadcast a song which reiterates Palestinian denial of Israel's right to exist. "Jaffa, Acre, Haifa, and Nazareth are ours," states the song On the way to Jerusalem by Muhammad Kabha. The song identifies numerous cities all over Israel, claiming they are "Palestinian."The music video shows scenes from places in Israel and a repeating image is of a boy carrying a Palestinian flag.

Click here to view

The following are the words of the song:

"Jaffa, Acre, Haifa, and Nazareth are ours.

[ I ], Muhammad, sing about the Galilee and the Golan (Heights).

Jaffa, Acre, Haifa and Nazareth are ours.

[ I ], Kabha, sing about the Galilee and the Golan (Heights).

From Bethlehem to Jenin is Palestinian,

Ramle, Lod and Sakhnin are Palestinian.

Nowhere is more beautiful than Jerusalem;

no matter how much we travel

From Safed to Al-Badhan (near Nablus) is Palestinian;

Tiberias and Ashkelon are Palestinian."

[PA TV (Fatah), May 13, 2011]

Note: Jaffa, Acre, Haifa, Nazareth, the Galilee, the Golan Heights, Lod, Ramle, Jerusalem, Safed, Tiberias and Ashkelon are Israeli cities and places.

This is just one more example of how the PA routinely defines Israeli cities and places as "Palestinian."

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