Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Civil Administration Aids German-Funded Building of Medical Clinic in Jordan Valley

IDF Spokesperson

Officers from the Civil Administration toured the Palestinian village of Jiftlik in the Jordan Valley on Thursday (April 28th) , accompanied by representatives from the Civil Administration’s Planning and Archaeology Departments, officials from the German Consulate, members of GIZ, a German organization working towards international sustainable development, and the head of the Jiftlik village council, Mr. Abed Kassab. The tour was intended to survey progress in the nearby archaeological digging sites, where a clinic for the village residents is set to be built by GIZ (German Society for International Cooperation). Following the German consulate’s request to build the clinic, the Civil Administration evaluated the allocation of land. During initial evaluations, archaeological ruins were discovered on the site of the proposed clinic (located on Area C). The Civil Administration decided to contribute 150,000 NIS (approx. 44,200 USD) to fund the archaeological excavations, after which the site would be eligible for construction.

During the excavations, archaeologists unearthed buildings from the ancient Roman and Byzantine periods, as well as ceramic shards, basalt tools, a preserved furnace and 40 historical coins. The coins were transferred to the Head of the Archaeological Department in the Civil Administration, who will determine their origins and help clean and preserve them before presenting the historical artifacts to the public.

The Civil Administration is committed to working to establish the Jiftlik medical clinic, thus improving the medical treatment received by thousands of Palestinians in the Jordan Valley. As such, the Civil Administration is also dedicated to exploring and preserving historical remains in areas of its responsibility. It works closely with Palestinian locals, foreign governments, and aid organizations to achieve these goals.

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