Saturday, March 05, 2011

Obama: Israel shouldn't be afraid of changes in Mideast


Speaking to Jewish donors in Miami, US president says forces emerging in Egypt should be naturally aligned with Israel; is confident that looking back, this will be seen as dawning of new, better era.
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US President Barack Obama told Jewish donors in Miami on Friday that Israel and the United States should not be afraid of changes taking place in the Middle East.

Acknowledging that the changes occurring could be construed as dangerous and worrisome, Obama recalled a meeting earlier in the week with Jewish leaders in the White House, saying, "I told them we have to be sober, we can't be naive about the changes that are taking place." However, he described the changes as "a huge opportunity for us."

"All the forces that we see building in Egypt are the forces that should be naturally aligned with the US, [and] should be aligned with Israel," he told attendees of the Florida fundraising event.

"I'm actually confident that 10 years from now we're going to be able to look back and say that this was the dawning of an entirely new and better era," he added. The US president expressed his hope that the new era would be one in which "people are striving not to be against something but to be for something."

On Tuesday, Obama met for over an hour with some 50 members of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations.

Addressing the contours of a future peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians, the US president assured the Jewish leaders that Jewish areas would stay in Israel's hands, according to many participants.

Following reports that Obama had expressed hostility against Israel in the meeting, the leaders of the conference issued a statement denying he had exhibited such an attitude.

Hilary Leila Krieger contributed to this report.

1 comment:

  1. 4000 radical Muslims attacked a Coptic Christian church in Egypt yesterday and this moron is telling people “What, Me Worry?” (sorry for the insult to Alfred E. Newman).

    From a past post in my blog, but I think it’s on the button here.

    I have said in the past I feel this clown is the most Anti-Israel leaning President in my lifetime. One only had to read his book as it was there in his own words! (Quote from Obama’s book: Audacity of Hope: ‘I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.’). My question is and has been, being of Jewish descent myself, I can’t help but wonder how the Jewish population here in the U.S. keeps voting for Anti-Semitic liars, yet every polling day, they somehow blindly rush to do so. In turn, we now have an administration that appears more than happy to watch Israel (and for that matter any country or people who do not toe the line as to radical Islam) be eradicated. “As Ye sow, so shall Ye reap”. We are now witnessing the harvest of a seed that was planted centuries ago, nurtured over years and years, blooming every now and then (Nazi Germany for example) and now is in fact at full bloom.

    I’m not sure what the answer is, but it sure as hell isn’t the Anti-Semite in the White House anymore that it is the self hating Jews who helped elect him. Israel and in turn Western Civilization as we know it is in grave danger. The Muslims are candid about this while we here in Obamaland are being told to accept it by our sad sack leaders! Hell, how else could this idiot face a roomful of Jews and say don’t worry about the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization that in it’s charter advocates the eradication of the Jews!

    Yet, this could have been stopped if the electorate had just taken their responsibilities as voters seriously! When the President and his minions speak of Israel and the Mid-East, I sense pure open hatred for Israel. I point out that’s how I feel. I only know when I watch this clown speak and look at his eyes, I see hate. And that is a bad thing to see in anyone’s leader. It’s even worse however when that same leader ignores the obvious and tries to stick the dry tapered corn cob farther up our behinds!

    One should not be surprised at the actions of a person who has actually been open about his ideology in the past. That is they shouldn’t be if they weren’t so open to accepting the lies and deceit that come from almost every politician. Almost every action this President has taken seems predicated on one thing, acceptance of the radical Muslim agenda as part of our society. As that, if it came to fruition would mean the end of Israel and our own way of life, one must conclude Israel is in grave danger.
