Thursday, October 14, 2010

PA wants ancient Jewish cemetery at Mount of Olives….Barak is willing


This is not an issue that Israel can compromise on.

The fact is that it is dangerous, even today, for Jews to visit the graves of their loved ones and ancestors on the Mount of Olives.

And that mountain is considered “occupied.”

While many people discuss the issue of the Old City of Jerusalem in any final status discussions, there is very little written about the Mount of Olives. Yet that ancient burial ground has no sanctity nor history for Arabs or Muslims (although it has meaning for Christians.) There should be no question that this holy spot should remain under Jewish control. And yet, last month, Ehud Barak hinted that the Mount of Olives can be placed under a “special regime” – meaning, at least partial Arab sovereignty.

The Mount of Olives in Jerusalem: Why Continued Israeli Control Is Vital

Nadav Shragai

* The Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, that the Palestinians demand to transfer to their control, is the most...

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Netanyahu’s Declaration of Independence

By Ted Belman

According to Dr Yitzhak Klein, Style and substance in Netanyahu’s governance, when PM Netanyahu demanded recognition in exchange for a temporary and partial freeze, it was his Declaration of Independence. In doing so he threw down the gaunlet to the Whitehouse, The Arab League, Labor and Mahmoud Abbas.

1. White House

Netanyahu chose his political ground carefully. Nothing is likely to generate sympathy for Israel’s position on Capitol Hill and within the American Jewish community as insistence that the Palestinians simply acknowledge that Israel is the Jewish state. Their refusal to do so will seem incomprehensible to most Americans.

2. The Arab League. Netanyahu’s statement was a challenge to let the Palestinian issue slide, and no longer allow it to interfere with the quiet alliance between Israel and moderate Arab states now shaping up over Iran. This, of course, undermines what is supposed to be one of the Obama administration’s rationales...

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