Sunday, September 26, 2010

Ship of Jewish Leftists Sets Sail for Gaza

Gil Ronen
A7 News

A ship carrying Jewish left-wing activists from around the world set sail from Cyprus at noon Sunday, and is headed to Gaza, carrying what activists say are humanitarian supplies.

Among the passengers are Yonatan Shapiro, a former IDF helicopter pilot who co-signed a letter by IDF reservists who refused to serve in missions that targeted terrorists in Judea, Samaria and Gaza, for fear of killing civilians. Shapiro also recently vandalized the Warsaw Ghetto memorial with graffiti comparing the ghetto to Gaza. Shapiro said that the goal of the ship is to “break the siege on Gaza” and transfer equipment and humanitarian supplies. He stressed that they would not enter a confrontation with the IDF even if the IDF stops them from reaching Gaza.

Among other activists on board are a Holocaust survivor, Julie Moskowitz, and Rami Elhanan, who lost his daughter in an Arab terror attack.

Israel's position is that those who wish to transfer supplies to Gaza by land are allowed to do so using Israeli and Egyptian crossings. Only weapons and dual-purpose goods are barred. However, no supplies may be shipped by sea due to concerns that Hamas and other Gaza terrorist groups would take advantage of such a sea route, if opened, to import weapons that would be used against Israel.

Jews in Israel have grown increasingly nationalistic in the last two decades, after the granting of autonomy to Arabs within the Land of Israel resulted in a wave of unprecedently barbaric Muslim attacks that have killed and maimed many thousands. However, some Israeli Jews still hold leftist views and see Israel as the aggressor in the conflict.

Outside Israel, too, right-wing Jews are increasingly critical of Jewish leftism regarding Islamism. Conservative writer David Horowitz recently called liberal Jews who support Islamists "Jews for Cutting Their Own Heads Off" and blogger Don Feder called liberal jews "Temple Beit Meshuga," (beit meshugaim means "insane asylum" in Hebrew).

You are hypocrits-data shows Hamas steals the aid-you know this yet you have hijacked"aid" to perform illegal acts against our sovereign nation.

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