Monday, September 06, 2010

Bibi Leading The League in Clichés‏

Sunday is Cabinet Meeting Day in Israel. And following every cabinet meeting details of the proceedings are released to the press. This Sunday, Netanyahu "debriefed" his ministers on his triumphant meeting in Washington, and in the process, reincarnated clichés most of us had thought were long-dead. I've taken the liberty to condense them into one sentence which should give you a sense of what this great Israeli leader (and orator) has on his mind. "Creative thinking, original solutions and thinking outside the box" are key to the success of the peace process, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the cabinet meeting on Sunday.

Now, to say that is hackneyed is not to say that it's meaningless. Netanyahu's poor imitation of an 80s adman tells us a lot. This guy is going to twist himself and Israel into a pretzel if that what it takes to sign a piece of paper on the White House lawn - and that includes evicting 100,000 Jews and koshering Hamas, which is already in the works.

To use another cliché, the road to peace is littered with potholes, and Bibi knows that he's approaching one already. On Sunday he was quite original on that score. "Addressing the issue of the settlement freeze due to expire on September 26, Netanyahu reiterated that no decisions had been made."

The time for "thinking outside the box" has arrived.

Dan Friedman

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