Monday, August 23, 2010

Jewish Fields and Crops Burned

My Right Word

First, there were stories about Jews uprooting Arab olive trees.

As I wrote there, I couldn't get any information more than the Arab announcement. No confirmation. Have you seen any evidence of their tale? We have a name, Abdelhameed Muhsen, but I don't have his phone number. But I was at Achiyah this morning. And do you know what I saw? I saw lots of Jewish land burnt. Saplings destroyed. In between Achiyah and Esh Kodesh.

The photographic evidence:

a) looking north-east from Achiyah, along the ridge is Jaloud. There's the last Jewish house (at present) in the lower-left corner and the Arab village a few hundred meters on. And in the lower right-hand corner, already you can see the remnants of the third (!) fire in the past 8 days set by Arabs.

b) the burned area there at the bottom of the slope:

c) a close-up of the charred remnants:

d) to the east, the extent of the damage:

e) to the north-east and on the ridge is Kuzra, an Arab village, and center below, more damaged area:

f) Esh-Kodesh on the horizon and the end of the blackened wadi:

Did you hear or see of this series of incidents?

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