Sunday, June 06, 2010

Anger toward Israel misplaced

Jerry Philipson

The anger towards Israel for it's interception of the flotilla and the ensuing deaths is entirely misplaced. Israel was absolutely justified in halting the ships and inspecting their cargo and the Israeli commandos were absolutely justified in defending themselves as well. Those are not the issues, not to anyone with a knowledgeable, unbiased, rational view of the situation in Gaza and the Middle East in general anyway. People were hurt and killed because the activists on board responded violently to the commandos, leaving them no choice but to react in kind. The activists chose to attack the Israelis instead of acquiescing peacefully and making their political points without anyone being injured. The violence and death could have been avoided if they wanted...the fact is the activists wanted violence to occur and initiated it to enhance the points they were trying to make.

That is callous and reprehensible and the world should be very angry at them, not at the Israelis who are really the victims in this whole sorry affair. It should also condemn them for getting people hurt and killed in an exercise that was never anything more than political theater and had nothing to do with delivering aid.

Anger and condemnation should also be directed towards the activists enablers and apologists, who are every bit as responsible as they are.

Page Printed from: at June 05, 2010 - 10:22:53 PM CDT

Comment: It is most convenient for those critical of humans protecting themselves when attacked to leave out the statements made by many aboard this fateful ship:"I want to be a martyr" Do you not understand what this means when it comes to attacking another? Who is responsible, really?

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