Friday, May 21, 2010

Terror Teddy Bear Teaches Martyrdom

Maayana Miskin
A7 News

Hamas continues to educate children to become “martyrs” who die while waging war on Israel. In one of the latest episodes of its children's television show, Pioneers of Tomorrow, the terrorism-loving teddy bear Nassur urges children to sacrifice themselves, and a caller assures them that if they become martyrs, they will go to Paradise. "Dear children, when we grow up, we will become martyrs, God willing... the pioneers of tomorrow will liberate the Al-Aksa Mosque," Nassur declares.

A caller from Holland then sings a song that begins, “When we get martyred we will go to Paradise... No, don't say we are too small.” The song concludes, “I am willing to sacrifice my blood for my country. Without Palestine our childhood means nothing.”

The episode, first aired in April, was translated by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Nassur's reference to Al-Aksa Mosque reflects recent accusations by Palestinian Authority clerics that Israel is attempting to damage the structure. The mosque, located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, is controlled by the Muslim Wakf; however, some clerics continue to accuse Israel of attempting to seize control of the site for Jewish use.

The character of Nassur is the fourth to co-host Pioneers of Tomorrow. Previous co-hosts, who worked alongside a girl named Saraa, included a Mickey Mouse look-alike named Farfur, a bee named Nahoul, and a rabbit called Assud.

The first three co-hosts were written off the show after starring for several months, and their young fans were informed that the characters had been murdered by Israel. Farfur was shown being beaten to death by Israeli agents, Nahoul was pictured dying of an illness after Israel denied him medical care, and Assud was depicted taking his final breaths after being wounded by an Israeli military offensive.

Fatah TV: All Israel is 'Palestine'

Incitement continues on Palestinian Authority television as well. A children's television show broadcast this week and translated by Palestinian Media Watch teaches that all of Israel is rightfully part of a state called Palestine.

During the show, children are asked to point to places they have visited “on the map of Palestine.” Children point to Israeli cities such as Haifa and Yafo (Jaffa). “So you've visited many different places in Palestine... It's good that we're always visiting new places in our state, Palestine,” the host replies.

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