Saturday, April 24, 2010

Haniyeh: US conditions remain obstacle to unity

Gaza – Ma'an – Egypt's refusal to re-open the unity file is based on
stubborn American conditions which ultimately prevent Palestinian unity and
weaken the national position, de facto government Prime Minister Ismail
Haniyeh said Thursday. The Palestinian Authority in Ramallah is clinging to the US conditions,
Haniyeh stated during an address to commemorate the death of poet and Muslim
Brotherhood member Abdul Rahman Baroud, who was killed in early April.

Haniyeh's statements come as US Envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell is
set to arrive in the region, in what officials say will be his latest
attempt to kickstart the peace process. Some analysts have said the trip
could include some succinct ultimatums for Israeli behavior over the issue,
though most remain skeptical.

"They are talking about the arrival of Mitchell to the region to activate
the negotiations and we wonder what negotiations they talking about,"
Haniyeh said. He wondered how talks could go forward "while the occupation
has issued three dangerous orders - the Judaization of Jerusalem, the
deportation of Gaza residents from the West Bank, and the tunnel digging
beneath the Al-Aqsa Mosque - and continues to fulfill them." Optimism in
Ramallah, Haniyeh said, only lends legitimacy to the occupation.

Comment: Until the Western world puts some pressure upon Gaza, the so-called West Bank there will be no movement toward talks. The West, similar to how mis-guided parents treat a spoiled child, have actually motivated the Arab-Palestinians to wait, do nothing but complain and blame everyone else for their behavior.

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