Sunday, December 20, 2009

Settlers: Secret Plan Renders Barak ‘War Criminal'

Hillel Fendel Settlers: Barak is War Criminal

A secret document that has been made public shows that the IDF is planning something close to war against the Jewish population of Judea and Samaria (Yesha), local councils accuse. The secret document, which has clandestinely reached Arutz-7, shows that the army is planning to enforce the government-ordered construction freeze on Jewish towns in Yesha with the help of six brigades, the entire Border Guard forces of Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, Israel Air Forces helicopters and drones, the Shabak (Shin Bet) and police, intelligence forces, and IDF reserve units. The forces are required to submit a daily report to the General Staff and the Defense Minister by 1 PM each day.

The Shomron Residents Committee released a sharp statement in response: “This war plan formulated against the pioneering settlement enterprise in Samaria and Judea, together with the plan against the hesder yeshivot which produce the best of Israel’s soldiers, turns [Defense Ministe Ehud Barak into a war criminal.”

“With the full backing of Netanyahu, who so cynically called us ‘brothers,’ Barak is wasting billions of shekels of the People of Israel’s money in order to promote his own standing in the Israeli left – instead of investing the money in building and developing the Galilee, Samaria, Negev and Judea. We will fight without compromise against Barak’s criminal actions, and we will continue to build our land wherever Arab nationalism threatens to turn it into terrorist states.”

The document states that the plan is on the “General Staff” level, and outlines the plan to destroy new Jewish buildings throughout Judea and Samaria. It appears that the plan is set to be put into operation within two weeks.

“The security forces will display zero tolerance vis-à-vis violence against the forces engaged in enforcing the construction freeze, demolitions and evictions,” the document states.

Other excerpts from the military plan:

“The basic assumption is that no one will agree to leave when required to, and therefore the eviction will require force. The settlers will see these actions as the beginning of the disengagement [i.e., unilateral withdrawal from Judea and Samaria – ed, and they will therefore attempt to block the demolition in any way they can.”

“There is no concrete information that the settlers will use weapons, but every scenario must be taken into account.”

“The sector must be isolated; very large forces must arrive in order to carry out the eviction, based on the assumption that ‘tremendous force will silence any opposition.’ There must be tactical surprise, and those who disturb the peace must be dealt with in the courts as quickly as possible, including publication of the verdicts.”

“The media must not be allowed to enter the inner circle [of the actio.” Some media outlets are already planning to protest to the Supreme Court against this violation of freedom of the press.

“The nearby communities must be totally closed off, and people may be allowed to leave only for urgent needs. Cellular communication will be blocked off for the entire area in order to prevent [the settlers fro alerting and calling each other to arrive at the site.”

Barak's Response: Just Do What You're Told

Defense Minister Ehud Barak responded to the release of the plan and to the criticism as follows: “All that is required of the settlement leaders and the settlers is to fulfill the government decision regarding the freeze of new construction during this defined period [of ten month, and then there will be no need for force or hostilities with the security forces.”

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