Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hizballah top dog: Israel must cease to exist

Jihad Watch

But remember: they sincerely want peace! A stable, secure Palestinian state with contiguous borders will solve the problem forthwith!

"Hizbullah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah on Al-Quds Day: 'Israel Must Be Wiped Out Of Existence,'" from MEMRI, October 8 (thanks to all who sent this in): In a televised address screened at the Sayyed Al-Shuhada complex in Dhahiya on International Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day, September 18, 2009, Hizbullah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah laid down the main tenets of his organization. He stated: 1) that the historical Palestine - from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Jordan - belongs to the Palestinian people and to the entire Muslim nation; 2) that no one has the right to relinquish even a grain of Palestine's soil or a drop of its waters; 3) that the Israeli entity is an occupying, aggressive, cancerous body that contravenes religious law, and is therefore illegal; 4) that it is forbidden to recognize the Israeli entity or to acknowledge its legitimacy or existence; and 5) that it is forbidden to establish ties or to normalize relations with Israel. Nasrallah went on to state that Israel must cease to exist, that the next war would change the regional map, and that Hizbullah can destroy half of the Israeli army. [...]
"We say clearly and honestly and declare that the entire Palestinian territory is a possession of the Palestinian people. It belongs to them and to the entire Ummah. The Zionists own nothing and have no rights in this land. We are ready to discuss issues upon religious, historical, logical, reasonable, and legal basis and in reference to holy books - including the Old Testament which is well known to be adopted by the Jews of this age and earlier ages as to what we know from history.

"We assure that Palestine is the right of this nation and this Ummah and it is not a right for the Zionists at all. During the Holy Month of Ramadhan, Muslims read in the Holy Koran, trying to finish reciting it once and twice and maybe more. They try to study the meanings and lessons the Koran holds within its folds.

"The Holy Koran talks a lot about the people of 'Israel' and the prophets of these people - not only the Koran talks about them but so do the other holy books, especially the Torah. Based on the Koran and Islam, we accept that Allah, may He be praised and extolled, promised to Abraham that the Holy Land would be populated with his descendents. We do not deny this: it appears in our Koranic texts...

"However, Abraham's seed are not Jews nor Zionists - either as a political or religious stream, or as a tribe or a race. It is not only the children of Israel [who are Abraham's seed]... A great part of the Arabs are [also] Abraham's descendents. Abraham fathered Ishmael and Isaac. In the Torah, in the New Testament, in Zabour [David's book of psalms], and in the Koran it is stated that Allah had promised Abraham's descendents the Holy Land. [But] which 'seed'?! To the sane among them. To the believers among them. To the pure among them. To the god-fearing among them. To those who went after Abraham - that patriarch and prophet - and followed his religion. [2]

"As for the criminal and murderous limb of Abraham's progeny, who killed the prophets, spread corruption in the land, and committed atrocities and sins... these were not given any promises to start with... They were not given promises from the outset. It is found in the Old Testament and in history books, that after Moses brought the Israelites across to the blessed land of Palestine, they began to worship the calf and idols, disobeyed God, [and] hurt and conspired against his prophet and his brother Aaron. Consequently, God ordered them out to wander through the desert for 40 years, away from the reaches of their land.

"So, no promises were made to them.

"Forty years after the disobedient offsprings died out - the ungrateful progeny to God's blessings and offerings - God's prophet Joshua entered the blessed land with a faithful, pious, and devout progeny of the Israelite Abraham's descendants. But when they returned to corruption and killed the prophets again, God Almighty banished those who killed and destroyed, and scattered them across the earth - and there they are now rummaging under the foundations of Al-Aqsa Mosque looking for the ruins of a temple destroyed three thousand years ago by their criminal and corrupt deeds.

"No principle exists in the Torah, Bible, the Psalms, and Koran or in any holy book, except for only one principle, which says: The earth belongs to God; He bequeaths it to whomever He wishes of His faithful slaves. This land is God's promise to the virtuous among His slaves."

"No One in This World Is Entitled to Give Up a Grain of Soil from the Land of Palestine, Nor a Drop of Water from the Waters in Palestine, Nor a Single Character from the Name of Palestine"

"(Anyway, this is a prelude to the discussion, if we are to discuss Koran or religion.) During the month of fasting, I particularly address the Muslims who are fasting throughout the world. If you truly want to be actually fasting, today we accomplish one of the results of fasting: 'O ye who believe! Fasting is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, that ye may (learn) self-restraint' Holy Koran 2:183.

"The goal of fasting is to become pious. 'Piety' means not to offend God with words or deeds. 'Piety' means to keep what is true as truth and what is false as that; to be pious means not to turn righteousness into falsehood and vice versa, not because of fear or greed. Today, you and I who responded to the eternal call of Imam Khomeini (May God honor his soul), we announce from here at Sayyed Shuhada complex, the place that used to embrace the bodies of our martyrs of the resistance and still does, we declare our consistent unalterable principles:

"First: Historic Palestine, from the sea to the river belongs to the people of Palestine and to the whole nation.

"Second: It is impermissible for anyone, and no one has the right, whoever he may be, whether Palestinian, Arab, Muslim or Christian, no matter who it is, regardless of the claims of representation anyone makes, whether representation claims of historic legitimacy, revolutionary, popular, legal or constitutional, no one in this world is entitled to give up a grain of soil from the land of Palestine, nor a drop of water from the waters in Palestine, nor a single character from the name of Palestine.

"Third: the 'Israeli' entity currently existing on the land of Palestine is a usurper and occupation entity, aggressive, cancerous, illegitimate, and illegal presence.

"Fourth: It is impermissible for anyone, whoever they may be, to recognize this entity, grant it legitimacy, or recognize its existence.

"Fifth: Collaboration and normalization with 'Israel' are forbidden sins. All scholars, Islamic reference authorities are in consensus about this, and anyone who says otherwise, let him step forward and present his case.

"These principles and constants are unalterable by time, circumstances, conditions, strengths, or weaknesses at all."

"[We] Will Never Recognize 'Israel' [...] Even If the Whole World Recognizes It [...] [Israel] Must Be Wiped Out Of Existence"

"Brothers and sisters: When some people talk about helplessness - verily some of us may be for one reason or another unable to liberate Palestine and Al-Quds under the current circumstances, or may be unable to do anything at all, such as go to war, resist, or declare intifada - but we are not at all forced to admit, recognize, surrender, acquiesce or sign over to our enemy the legal title deed to possess or control our land, our holy places and resources.

"No one can impose this position on us. This is a psychological stand, a popular and nationwide stand. No one can force us to do otherwise. This is our nation. For more than 60 years, the whole world has been pressing us into recognizing 'Israel,' to collaborate and normalize relations with 'Israel' - yet none has been able to impose that upon us.

"[We] will never recognize 'Israel.' We will not work with 'Israel.' We will not normalize ties with 'Israel.' We will not surrender to 'Israel.' We will not accept 'Israel' even if the whole world recognizes it. Our faith, belief, and declaration will remain unchanged, that 'Israel' is an illegal presence [and] a cancerous gland, and must be wiped out of existence."

"We are not obliged to recognize, to normalize, or to concede even under difficult circumstances. Since Lebanon was established, it became a country that has lived difficult and tough circumstances with a complicated makeup, in a difficult situation, with humble resources... Since 1978 and 1982, and many wars and a civil war and sectarian divisions, lateral and horizontal divisions, and lineups... This is the many-problem-Lebanon, the many-ailment-Lebanon. To this very moment, Lebanon has never surrendered to 'Israel,' neither officially nor publicly. Lebanon has not surrendered a grain of soil nor a drop of water to 'Israel.'

"We are not obliged....even if our country is weak and our region is weak while 'Israel' is strong and the situation difficult. True, there was a sole attempt, by which I mean the May-17 agreement, but there exists a country and there exists a population determined not to surrender.... We don't want to fight or to enter [into] a regional war.

"Nevertheless, we will not let go of our rights. We will continue to demand our rights, and will not sign [peace agreements] or surrender. We might not wage a war to regain the Kafr Shuba heights and the Shaba' Farms, but will we leave it for the 'Israelis?' Never. We will continue to demand them and talk about them. This is the least we can do, and we are capable of it."

Syria's Actions "Must Be Recognized and Respected"

"Let's take a look at Syria: There are people that always [beat the drums of war], since 1967... then came the October War... and to this day... that is, transcending decades.

"Syria doesn't have an open front, true, and it is not fighting to this day due to its circumstances and answers... whether they are true or false is another debate.

"What should not be ignored is the fact that, for the past 30 or 40 years, both under the rule of President Hafez Assad or that of President Bashar Assad, [and] that despite the siege, international sanctions, isolation, conspiracies, and the toughest circumstances it has seen, particularly in the past few years after the occupation of Iraq and the transformations that have occurred on the international level and on the level of the Arab and Islamic world... in addition to everything that Syria has endured... It is remarked that the Syrian authority did not surrender a single grain of Syrian soil or a drop of Syrian water. This must be recognized and respected. In Syria there is a government.

"However, some argue that Hizbullah is a resistance movement, and that those in Palestine are resistance movements. They compare: That regime has an army, a government, an infrastructure, an economy, and relations... and it has endured... it didn't fight and it closed its front... That is true, but it didn't surrender, nor did it sell land or water.

"We can recall the Geneva summit which brought together President Hafez Assad and President Bill Clinton; the entire settlement fell apart due to a few meters of Tiberius Lake [i.e. the Sea of Galilee]. [This] proves that this is possible in the presence of an Arab regime, and not a resistance movement.

"This Arab regime [i.e. Syria] has economic, social, and political responsibilities as well as international relations. [It] is capable of withstanding because it relies on its right and the law, and when it has the willpower, it can continue to withstand.

"Therefore, sisters and brothers, the issue is not that we are placed between three choices: surrender - fight - withstand. The third choice is to withstand, hold out, and resist, and to work on gaining strength and power and to wait for change.

"This is our proposal on Al-Quds Day. Our choice is not that of surrender. We can withstand, we can hold out, and work on attaining points of strength and wait for change. This choice is reasonable, logical, and successful... as it has already succeeded."

"We Are Capable of Regaining Our Land Through Resistance - Based on the Fact That We Have Actually Regained Land in Lebanon and in Gaza... We Do Not Need to Open Fronts"

"Then, we must talk of our options today. We have the choice of negotiating. The course of the negotiation path has become, over the years, a futile option requiring no deduction. It has lead to ever more surrendering and squandering of rights, sometimes [in exchange for nothing]. Whoever has a different account can come forth.


"The other option I noted awhile ago is that of withstanding, of popular resistance... an option requiring much explanation, for you are its founders. In the history of the Zionist entity, from 1961 to this day, the hardest decade for 'Israel' has been the last 10 years. Because of what? Because of this option.

"There are Islamic and Arab countries that withstand and that reject surrender. And there is a resistance in Lebanon and in Palestine. To what end? The 'Israelis' have left Lebanon save for the Kafr Shuba Heights and the Shaba' Farms and Ghajar village. This has been a huge achievement and victory [for us] and a devastating defeat for 'Israel.'

"We all know what the 'Israeli' strategic experts said after their defeat in 2000. The year 2000 also witnessed the Aqsa Intifada (uprising) in occupied Palestine - a popular uprising and armed resistance that very clearly defeated the 'Israeli' entity, making the 'Israelis' losers and producing mass reverse migration...

"In 'Israel,' word has it that they have begun the second war of independence. This means that the 'Israelis' feel that their own existence is threatened, for the first time, due to the Aqsa Intifada and the sacrifices of our fellow Palestinians.

"Then came the retreat from Gaza and the defeat in Gaza, followed by the July 2006 war, which shook the basic foundation of the presence of the entity in relation to its army, morals, self-confidence, and abilities.

"Hence, this is the option I am discussing, and I'm not making theories here: In one instance, we may say this option is correct because it leads to this and that. I say to you, Arabs and Muslims, that this option is correct not because it leads to something, but because it actually has led to something. In other words, we are capable of regaining our land through resistance based on the fact that we have actually regained land in Lebanon and in Gaza.

"We are capable of neutralizing the enemy's objectives regardless of its might, based on the fact that we did thwart its objectives in July 2006 and that our brothers annulled them in the Gaza war. It is possible, and in effect I tell you, frankly, that we do not need to open fronts. There are people that have come out to theorize about opening fronts. We don't need to open fronts."

"You, the Arab Countries, Nation, Governments, and Peoples [...] You Don't Want to Support [the Palestinian People and Resistance]; So Be It - Iran Will Support [Them]"

"On Al-Quds Day, I declare the proper strategy to be the following, and if we want declare a correct strategy then it would be: We start from Lebanon. Preserve the resistance present in Lebanon. Well, if you don't want to preserve the resistance in Lebanon, then so be it. Just leave it alone. These words are not intended for the Lebanese, for most of them support and preserve the resistance, a matter proven over time. My words are intended for a few in Lebanon and some Arab countries that have committed what they committed in the July war, and committed what they committed before the July war, and committed what they committed after the July war.

"Second, support the Palestinian people and preserve your armies to protect your thrones. Congratulations. Simply support the people and resistance of Palestine, assist the Palestinians in staying on their land, raise the siege, don't give them weapons but allow them to pass weapons [through your soil], don't give them money but also don't cut the road on money on their way to them. Can there be more humbleness? You, the Arab countries, nation, governments, and don't want to support. So be it. Iran will support. 'Ahmadinejad is coming and he couldn't care less.' And now, let it be known.

"Support the Palestinian people and the resistance in Palestine, and raise the siege on Palestine... assist the Palestinians in unifying themselves, aid them in reconciliation and unifying their word, don't conspire against them, and don't incite one party against another, and don't buy arms for one party to kill others. In Palestine, what arrives is the weapons for incitement and internal conflict, yet the weapons for fighting the Zionists are confiscated.

"Is this not the truth??!! Don't tip off the 'Israelis' with information on the Palestinian resistance and its cells, weapons, capabilities, tunnels, arms-smuggling techniques... its leaders and their residences. In other words, let them be!

"As I said 'Let us be!' in the July war to the Arab rulers, I now say 'Let the Palestinian people be!' Either aid the Palestinians, or leave them alone.

"These are the days of fasting and of Ramadan... If the Palestinian people is left to do what it wants and the siege is raised, and it is supported and aided... the Palestinian people possesses the capabilities and leaderships, the men, women, and children, the courage and sincerity, the patience and perseverance, the willpower and dedication, and the spirit of Jihad and martyrdom... enough to regain the Holy Quds [Jerusalem] for all the nation, and does not need your armies and your fronts... nor do they need our front."

"Do Not Fear 'Israel'" - For It "Wails in Fear"

"This is the horizon, and this is the choice. Today some may say: Sayyed, you say this, but the circumstances are difficult, and the Arabs seem to have even more difficult conditions. It is true, for this is the reality. But I would also like to tell you that 'Israel' as well, in the present or the future, has ever more tough circumstances.

"'Israel' prior to 2000 is different from 'Israel' after its defeat in 2000. [Pre]-Gaza-defeated 'Israel' is unlike post-Gaza-defeated 'Israel.' [Pre]-July-defeated 'Israel' is nothing like post-July-defeated 'Israel.' Do not fear 'Israel,' for it is training, arming, maneuvering, and working day and night because it is afraid. It wails in fear.

"Yes, there is a horizon. I will lead you to the horizon as I have mentioned it over and over on many occasions. What I would like now is to clarify it a bit.

"We will go back in history, as it is essential to comprehend ancient and modern history: Many a big and strong state has withstood attack and won the battle. But at times it would send its army outside its borders to another state where it would be defeated and destroyed. That would be the end of that government and the end of that state. Are there no historic witnesses to this matter? In ancient and modern history?

"I will give you the prospect. Support the Palestinian people, allow it to be prepared, capable, and strong, and not busy with itself or its livelihood or housework or prisons or internal detainment etc... Give the resistance some space, and the day will come when the 'Israeli' who huffs and puffs....

"(On the margin) I do agree in principle that what is being circulated in Lebanon by some political authorities is undeniable, that 'Israel' might wage a war one day on Lebanon. We don't want this war. I am not talking theory here to say we want a war. No. We don't want this war. In 1982 did we want this war? Did the Palestinians in Lebanon at the time want the war? No.

"The' Israelis' used the excuse of the assassination of the 'Israeli' ambassador in London to wage a war on Lebanon and occupy Lebanon. I have no idea what their excuse is [today] to wage war on Lebanon. Nevertheless, what many Lebanese and Arabs see as a threat can be transformed, under the proper wise leadership, into an opportunity.

"I say to the Lebanese and Arabs: we don't want a war, but if 'Israel' attacks Lebanon, we must transform the threat into an opportunity. What opportunity? It is that which I noted previously. If they send us six or seven contingents, it means that over half the 'Israeli' army is outside Palestinian land. If the resistance is ready, then it can destroy and crush half the 'Israeli' army and dispel it."

"When I Declare That the Coming War Will Change the Face of the Region - Most Translated That as Me Having Nuclear Arms; By God, No, We Don't - It Is Impermissible to Own or Use Nuclear Arms"

"What future does 'Israel' have in the region in such a case? When I declare that the coming war will change the face of the region, most translated that as me having nuclear arms. By God, no, we don't. It is impermissible to own or use nuclear arms. What the Imam Khamenei says is legal-shari'i doctrine and not political discourse, as is the doctrine of our school of thought. Attaining such weapons or using such weapons is forbidden by doctrine (shari'a).

"The face of the region will change because 'Israel' is a state created for an army. If the army is defeated, and we shall do so God willing... if we crush the army, and we will crush it... if we destroy the army, and we will destroy it God willing in Lebanon...then what will be left of 'Israel?'

"I recall in the year 2000 we didn't need an army to reach Bint Jubeil. When the front lines fell in the occupied border band, we didn't need an army to reach Haasbayah, Bint Jubeil, and Naqura... How did we reach them? In buses and vans and cars...

"When the 'Israeli' army is defeated in Lebanon, it is possible that God will grant us success and we will reach Al-Quds in buses and vans.

"It is a logical, practical, and scientific option, not hypothesis nor slogans or 'Arabic prose' or 'Lebanese poetry'... These are facts and actualities and occurrences... as approved by present history and past."

"Ahmadinejad Said Nothing New" - He Only Revived Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's Statement That "Israel Is a Cancer Gland That Must Be Removed from Existence"

"On Al-Quds day, I call on all Arab and Islamic governments and all Arab and Islamic nations to endorse the option of withstanding and resisting, and to support the resistance and reject surrendering and normalization and submissiveness, and to abandon emotions of weakness, incapacity, worthlessness, and inferiority... We, our people, are a great nation sent to people, not for our race or blood, but because we are the nation of calling for charity, and denouncing evil, and exercising jihad and charity and calling for the rights and wellbeing of people and humanity.


"Other headings still remain, but due to lack of time I will quickly and briefly cover them.

"One is that we are not alone along this course; in all frankness we are not alone. Here I wish to say a couple of words about Iran.

"Since the triumph of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, it was fought because it adopted the key causes of this nation; let everyone investigate why the war was waged against Iran, why Iran was isolated and why it was blockaded; why most of the Arabs had been friends with Iran when the Shah had control of it; and why, when Iran was the policeman of the Gulf states, everyone was friends with it.

"All this is because this Iran severed its ties with 'Israel'; it cut off oil supplies to 'Israel' and turned the 'Israeli' Embassy into the Embassy of Palestine, and clearly and openly adopted the support of the Palestinian people and the resistance movements.

"Imam (Ayatollah Khomeini) was straightforward from day one when he said: 'This "Israel" is a cancer gland that must be removed from existence.' President Ahmadinejad said nothing new - he only revived what the late Imam Khomeini (May God honor his soul) said: '"Israel' must be removed from existence.'"

I Know Iran's "Leaders, People, and Stance - And I Tell You That It Is Impossible For Iran to Walk Away From the Peoples And the Resistance Movements of This Region"

"This America, and the entire West, considered that a threat; Iran, the great supporter of the Palestinian and Arab peoples, is blockaded, war is waged on it, all this pressure and isolation, and now it is [the target of] a major image distortion campaign by some Arab satellite channels and some Arab regimes.

"Iran's real fault is that it stands by the resistance, by the peoples of the region, and by Palestine - this is its real fault!

"Should Iran turn its back on Lebanon, Syria, and the Arabs, the entire world would be ready to hold ties with it right now, because Iran is not a small country, it has oil, gas, coal, a market, and much more... it is a powerful country that has been so historically. Iran is paying the price for its commitment to its principles, a fact that must be known to all the Lebanese, all Arabs and all Muslims.

"During recent events, the whole world gambled that Iran's system would fall, and of course there are those who participated in the war against their system - some of whom were from the official Arab governments and Arab media. But they failed, as they did in the July war, and in Gaza... they failed.

"This axis, to which we are honored and proud to belong, God willing, will not be defeated.

"This Iran came out today [Quds Day], in all its cities and streets, to tell the whole world, which has been awaiting its confusion, vulnerability, shakeup, and collapse - It came out into the streets to say, We are with Al-Quds, with Palestine, Lebanon and Gaza, and to say also that "'Israel' must be eliminated from existence."

"We saw the people, we heard the clear speeches by both the president and the Imam leading the Friday prayers, and the slogans of the demonstrations.

"I know Iran and its leader, the wise, courageous, good-manager and mastermind of Iran; I also know its leaders, people and its stance, and I tell you that it is impossible for Iran to walk away from the peoples and the resistance movements of this region...

"[As for] Iran and its leader, its leaders and people - the question of Palestine and Al-Quds is always in their [Ramadhan] prayers and fasting. It is why they stay awake at night. It is their faith and footing in the afterworld... Anyone betting on ousting Iran from this field and domain will be deluded and confused..."

"Today, I Extend My Sincerest Thanks on Behalf of All the Resistance Combatants [...] to [Iranian Supreme Leader] Ali Khamenei"

"Today, I extend my sincerest thanks on behalf of all the resistance combatants, the martyrs, the prisoners, those who sacrificed and believe in the option of resistance and steadfastness, to His Eminence the Grand Ayatollah Imam [Iranian Supreme Leader] Ali Khamenei (May He live long). To the brothers in the Iranian leadership and the Iranian people, many thanks for all the support and the backing, moral, political (in the past we used to get to this point and stop, but today we will continue), and material, financial backing and at every other level too.

"This is a source of pride for Iran before the whole world, even before the international community, as well as the U.N. Security Council, and His Eminence the leader Sayyed [Khamenei]? was clear about this during the Friday prayers. Hence, this nation is not alone; Lebanon is not alone; Syria and Palestine are not alone; nor are the peoples of our region; we therefore have a lot of elements of strength."

We Have Passed the Most Dangerous "Bush" Stage; "The Missile Defense Shield Story in Poland and the Czech Republic [Is a Lesson] to All Those Who Were Betting on the Americans"

"Brothers and sisters: The most dangerous stage we have been through is the [George W.] Bush phase. Today 'Israel' is in a bad situation, and so is the U.S. in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

"Today, we came to hear about the missile defense shield story in Poland and the Czech Republic. These two poor countries are lessons to all those who were betting on the Americans, because now the Americans abandon them after they started a dispute with the Russians!

"Why do the Americans scrap the missile defense shield now[?] Because they have a problem, a weakness and a financial problem - so they now claim to have discovered that Iran's missiles do not pose a threat!!!

"Amazing! Overnight you [Americans] discovered and altered this long course that once nearly caused an international crisis verging on a world war. Overnight they discovered that the Iranian missiles do not represent a threat and that they now have another way of dealing with these missiles...

"We have surmounted and surpassed the most difficult stage....


"On Al-Quds Day, I thank you for your presence, I know you are all fasting and tired [...] but this is part of your loyalty to Al-Quds and to the Imam. May God include us with the adherents of principles, constants, and justness; may we be granted success to pray together, God willing, in Al-Aqsa mosque in the Al-Quds Sanctuary.

"Peace and God's mercy and blessings be upon you all."

[1] The text is edited for clarity. Ellipses are in the original; added ellipses are in brackets.

[2] This paragraph did not appear in the English version and was translated by MEMRI from the original text in Arabic.

1 comment:

  1. It is my personal opinion that ‘writing the wrongs’ constitutes propaganda that is poorly checked and inaccurate. This is not a personal attack on the author(s), but a stand against the spread of information that deliberately defies accountability for human rights in Israel and the Occupied Territories, and the deliberate use of degrading and generalised material on the real problems of Palestinian statelessness.
    Don’t fund ignorance. Make your own mind up, not someone else’s.!OpenDocument
