Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hezbollah plans attacks on Israeli targets in Turkey

According to leading Turkish news website, planned attacks come in retaliation for assassination of senior Hezbollah member in 2008; possible targets include American, Israeli institutions, synagogues, tourist destinations

Daniel Edelson

Intelligence agencies warn against terror attacks planned by Hezbollah against Israeli and American targets in Turkey, according to a report published on the Turkish news website "Haberturk". According to the report, Hezbollah is looking to attack Israeli tourists, Israeli vessels and airplanes, as well as synagogues in Turkey. Citizens are asked to take the necessary precautions.

In addition, Turkish police warned its units in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, saying Hezbollah might have already gathered intelligence ahead of a possible attack on Israeli and American institutions in the three major cities.

According to the website, the attacks are planned in retaliation for the assassination of Hezbollah commander Imad Mugniyah in February 2008, and are masterminded by a man identified as Abbas Hossein Zakr on behalf of Hezbollah.

Israeli security and diplomatic sources were briefed on the threats following a request made by Ynet, and have yet to comment on the reports.

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