Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Jihadists in foiled Tel Aviv poisoning plot had been released in Olmert amnesty

"The terrorists were given amnesty on condition they disarm, refrain from attacks and spend three months in PA detention facilities and another three months confined to Nablus, the northern West Bank city in which they reside."

More on this story. "Pardoned terrorists tried to poison restaurant," by Aaron Klein for World Net Daily:

JERUSALEM – The terrorist cell that planned to poison an Israeli restaurant this month was led by jihadists who were recently granted amnesty by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, WND has learned.
The pardoned terrorists, were directly involved in orchestrating the foiled attack, according to defense sources. They were granted amnesty in October as a stated Israeli gesture to help bolster Palestinian Authority President and Fatah Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.
The terrorists were given amnesty on condition they disarm, refrain from attacks and spend three months in PA detention facilities and another three months confined to Nablus, the northern West Bank city in which they reside.
Last week, it was released for publication Israel's Shin Bet Security Services arrested two Palestinians from Nablus who worked illegally at the Grill Express, a restaurant in the city of Ramat Gan, which is a sattelite city of Tel Aviv.
Upon interrogation, the two, Aham Rial and Anas Salum, both 21 years old, confessed they were planning to poison the restaurant food with a white, odorless, tasteless deadly poison they said takes effect about five hours after it is ingested.
The Palestinians said they were to receive the poison from the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades leadership in Nablus. They said they were also asked by the Brigades leadership to find ways to help infiltrate suicide bombers into Israel.
Security officials warned the Brigades leadership in Nablus is still seeking to use Palestinians working illegally inside Israel to perpetuate terrorist attacks. There are tens of thousands of illegal Palestinian workers inside Israel.
According to Israeli defense officials, there is specific information the foiled poison plot was planned by three terrorists from Nablus, two of whom are on Olmert's amnesty list, which restricted the Israel Defense Forces from acting against them.
Nablus is the main stronghold of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, Fatah's military wing, which is listed by the State Department as a terrorist group. The Brigades took responsibility, along with the Islamic Jihad terror organization, for every suicide bombing in Israel in 2005 and 2006 and for thousands of shootings and rocket attacks.
Among the pardoned Brigades leaders involved in the foiled poisoning is Hani Caabe, a senior Brigades leader in the Old City of Nablus. The name of the other pardoned terrorist is being withheld by WND for security purposes at the request of defense officials.
In June, Olmert granted amnesty to 178 Fatah fugitives who pledged their resignation from any so-called paramilitary organizations. In spite of the amnesty deal, many Brigades members openly brandished weapons and were caught carrying out scores of attacks.
Nevertheless, in October Olmert issued amnesty documents to 43 more Fatah terrorists, who were also required to turn in their weapons, spend three months in a PA holding area and restrict their movements for another three months to one city.
Most of the 43 terrorists have yet to keep their side of the deal, defense officials said.
Gee. Didn't see that coming.


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