Monday, March 10, 2008

Official Fatah newspaper: jihadist who murdered students a "martyr"

Remember: Fatah is the moderate group, that sincerely wants peace with Israel. Fatah wants peace, this I know, for George and Condi tell me so. And remember: Islam is a religion of peace -- George and Condi told us that also, and no number of stories like this will ever convince them otherwise. Celebrate a mass murderer as a martyr? Never! What are you, some kind of Islamophobe? Nor is this a partisan matter either, of course. Everyone, just everyone, knows Islam is a religion of peace. Except, unfortunately, the glorious mujahedin and their allies who celebrate their heroic deeds in gunning down high school students.

"PA Daily: Mass Murderer is a Martyr," by Gil Ronen for Israel National News (thanks to Sr. Soph):

( Mahmoud Abbas's official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper has honored the terrorist who gunned down eight high school students at point blank range with the status of shahid, or holy Islamic martyr.

The official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida prominently placed a picture of the point-blank child killer on the front page, with the caption, "The Shahid Alaa Abu Dheim." In a page one article on the massacre at the Mercaz HaRav Kook yeshiva, his crime was again defined as an act of martyrdom (shahada).

Watchdog group Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) said that in publishing the article, "the PA is sending its people a straightforward message of support for the terror murders and the murderer." According to the PA's interpretation of Islam, PMW explained, a human being can achieve no higher status than that of shahid.

Will it cost them?

Besides its effect in inciting and encouraging terror, the honoring of terrorists by the PA has significant financial ramifications, PMW explained. Last week the US Administration sent a request to Congress to allocate $150 million to the Palestinian Authority. However, in response to earlier PMW reports on the widespread PA practice of honoring terror, Congress made it illegal for the US to give money to entities that "advocate" terror, as follows:

"[The Secretary of State] shall terminate assistance to any individual, entity... which she has determined to be involved in or advocating terrorist activity." Congress further legislated that "none of the [U.S.] ... assistance under the West Bank and Gaza Program may be made available for the purpose of recognizing or otherwise honoring individuals who commit, or have committed acts of terrorism" (2008 Foreign Operations Bill).

What do you bet that nothing happens to halt this money flow?

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