Monday, February 25, 2008

Sderot Children Wounded in Kassam Attack on Israel

Hana Levi Julian

Two children were who were wounded in a Kassam rocket barrage on Israel - targeting the western Negev city of Sderot - were rushed to Barzilai Hospital in Ashkelon early Monday afternoon. A 9-year-old boy suffered a serious injury to his hand in the attack. A one-year-old baby and another child were lightly wounded as well. At least four adults were treated for emotional shock. Three rockets exploded in the city, one hitting a bomb shelter and a second scoring a direct hit on a house. The third rocket exploded elsewhere in the city without causing further injuries or damage.

The Salah a-Din Brigades terrorist gang, a splinter group of the Popular Resistance Committees terror umbrella organization, claimed responsibility for the attack.

Two other rockets slammed into fields in the Shaar HaNegev Regional Council. No injuries or damage reported.

Two More Rockets
Earlier in the day, two other missiles were fired by terrorists in northern Gaza, as 60 trucks filled with sacks of flour, sugar and other supplies made their way from Israel through the Sufa Crossing into the region under pouring rain.

One of the rockets exploded in a southern area in the coastal city of Ashkelon. The second missed its mark and did not even make it out of Gaza. It landed in an open area and did not hurt anyone.

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