Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dear President Bush,

Today there is chaos in Gaza. The region has been flooded with heavy weapons - with the Iranian label - and Hamas has taken notes from Hizbullah in Lebanon. Israeli cities like Sderot have been traumatized by daily Kassam rockets which have injured and killed innocent citizens.

Your courageous words of hope in fighting radical Islam and its weapon - terrorism- have been replaced by
words of acquiescence to an entity whose true colors you refuse to acknowledge - the Palestinian Authority.We have all heard the same news and know that Mahmoud Abbas is a weakling as well as a terrorist in his own right. He utters words of 'peace' and 'conciliation' to the gullible West while his own people hear words of war and the destruction of Israel. Abbas has received millions of dollars from those whose tragedies he celebrates; he is not a friend of the U.S., even though you would like to envisage him as such.

Your trust in Abbas has been misplaced, Mr. President; you have demanded that Israel release terrorists who have immediately returned to their profession - murder. You have demanded other concessions from Israel that have weakened our only true friend in the region.

Today's chaos in Gaza is the result of the demand by Secretary of State Rice that Israel abandon the Philadelphi Corridor and Rafah - despite the assurance of the Oslo Accords that that country would continue to monitor the border. Through it have come arms, terrorists, and the disorder that has undermined the whole area and brought great danger to a much larger region. Al Qaeda has now found a haven for attacks - not only on Israel but on Coalition troops in Iraq!!

Your promise of a 'peaceful Palestinian state living side by side with Israel' is a figment of imagination. A piece of paper does not make peace!! Your blueprint for the area is going to lead to a blowup which will eventually lead to war on U.S. soil by an emboldened world enemy. The high pressure tactics of Secretary of State Rice have backfired; she should resign her position for her failures. Sadly, this will be your legacy!

Hannah Givon

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