Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Rabbis ask Bush to cancel his visit to Israel

"Even if it is not your intention, the slanted media in Israel is interpreting your visit as applying pressure to accelerate the implementation of "Disengagement II" a move that will place in mortal danger all residents of Israel," the Rabbis wrote. The Rabbinical Congress for Peace (RCP) comprised over over 350 leading rabbis in Israel have sent an urgent letter to U.S.President George Bush requesting that he cancel his upcoming trip to Israel next week.

"Even if it is not your intention, the slanted media in Israel is interpreting your visit as applying pressure to accelerate the implementation of "Disengagement II" a move that will place in mortal danger all residents of Israel," the Rabbis wrote.

The RCP move came came after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert sent an official letter on Sunday to the ministers of defense, housing and agriculture with an order to refrain from authorizing any construction in the West Bank without his and Defense Minister Ehud Barak's prior approval.

Officials in the PM's Office said that the order was a follow-up to the announcement he made in the cabinet meeting before the Annapolis peace conference, that Israel would not build additional settlements and would evacuate illegal outposts as it is obligated under the U.S.-backed road map of 2003.

Olmert wrote that "construction, new building, expansion, preparation of plans, publication of residency tenders and confiscation of land stemming from other settlement activities in Judea and Samaria will not go forward and will not be implemented without requesting and receiving in advance approval by the defense minister and the prime minister."

In a statement issued to the press Tuesday, the rabbis accused the media in Israel of deceiving the public by describing the disengagement and choking the settlers as a "peace process" when in reality it is "terror process" that will only lead to bloodshed.

"Regrettably, the U.S. understands the Israel's security better than the Israeli leadership but it is precisely the Israeli leadership who is "begging" President Bush and U.S. Secretary of State Condaleeza Rice to force Israel to commit suicide," the RCP claims.

The rabbis laid the blame for the terrorist attack last week that killed two innocent Israelis near Hebron on the Israeli government. "The government's actions and negotiations over another disengagement in Judea, Samaria and in Jerusalem encourages the murder of Jews. The murder of these boys are a direct result of Israel's recent statements on further withdrawals and is only a tatse of what can be expected after the Bush visit to the region," the Rabbis stated.

The Rabbis reiterated the clear Ruling in the Jewish Code of Law that is absolutely forbidden for any Jew to give up even one inch of land under Jewish control to foreigners because it only leads to instability and bloodshed in the region.

Note: The RCP has announced that it has embarked on a $250,000 relentless campaign to use all legal means and public relations to stop Olmert before it is too late. In the coming weeks the RCP plans to print up millions of brochures, place full page ads in major newspapers in Israel and abroad, convene conferences and meetings with every member of Knesset and ministers to awaken them from their slumber.

"But for this we need the public's support," say the rabbis and are asking everyone to whom the security of Israel is dear, to please send in your contribution via your bank to R.C.P – Pikuach Nefesh – Bank Leumi – Bialik Branch-803 Account # 701199/63 or send your check by mail to: R.C.P. - Pikuach Nefesh The Rabbinical Congress for Peace POBOX 56131 Tel Aviv Israel. TeleFax (972)-3-5251887+

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