Monday, January 14, 2008

Arab lecturer forbids student from wearing Star of David

Arab lecturer forbids student from wearing Star of David
Sapir College instructor who gained notoriety when he refused to teach a student wearing an IDF uniform in spotlight once more after student claims he barred display of Israeli flag in his classroom, berated her for wearing Star of David necklace`Cinematography lecturer Nizar Hassan is still on suspension from him academic duties at the Sapir College in southern Israel pending a hearing on his divisive decision to bar a student wearing an IDF uniform from his class - but a new controversy has already reared its head and is further threatening the Hassan's future at the institute.

The letter, penned by a third-year student who attended a director's
workshop taught by Hassan, was sent to the committee investigating the
reserve soldier's case and may be used to prove the lecturer's behavior
towards the reserve soldier was not an isolated incident.

According to the unnamed student identified only as A', she arrived at one
of Hassan's classes with a backpack embroidered with the Israeli flag and
was promptly asked by the lecturer to turn the bag so that the flag would
not be facing him.

"I told him I would not do that - and then he approached me, grabbed the bag
and forcefully turned it around," writes A' in her letter, which was also
sent to College President Prof. Ze'ev Tzahor.

"When Hassan went back to the front of the class, I returned the bag to its
original position, he then came back and turned it again. I picked the bag
up a last time and spun it around.

"Nizar stopped the class, walked up to me, forcibly took the bag away from
me and stuffed it into his desk."

But the heated battle over the flag was not A's only complaint. According to
her letter, she met in private with Hassan some time later to discuss a
documentary film she intended to direct. During the meeting the lecturer
commented on the Star of David necklace A' was wearing.

"He asked me why I would even wear something like that. I answered that I
view it as a Zionist matter. He then told me that he refused to see me
wearing the necklace during the meeting," she wrote.

A' notes in her letter that prior to the aforementioned incidents she held
Hassan in the highest respect and had a great affinity for his classes.
"Hassan, with his charisma, was a great influence on me. Sometimes he would
call me after classes to ask how the lecture had gone and he always praised
me and my abilities. I remember several occasions where I sat with Nizar and
he would analyze my personality instead of my work," she says.

But speaking with Yedioth Aharonoth on Thursday evening, A' sounded
outraged. "I don't understand why he isn't kicked out of the college, I
sincerely hope that they understand that he has no business teaching there
because he crossed the line. He must not be allowed to come back."

The Sapir College said in response that the student's complaint is being
dealt with by the school's disciplinary committee. Hassan declined to
comment on the allegations.

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