Monday, December 10, 2007

Israel's fight is your fight

Here are 18 different ways you can help Israel and make yourself feel good too!. Take at least 5 minutes from your schedule and devote it to Israel. Here is an opportunity for you to get involved and assist Israel in their effort to protect our Jewish homeland.
* Attend pro-Israel rallies: Get involved. Do something. Demonstrate your solidarity with our brothers and sisters in Israel. Initiate, plan and attend Israel educational forums wherever they are -- synagogues, JCCs, college campuses, etc. Encourage your friends and family to attend rallies. Show the world that you support Israel's right to exist.

* Educate yourself & your children: Take classes, attend lectures and give your children a good Jewish education. Our college students are constantly barraged with anti-Israel information. Go to for important information on how your children can respond to these attacks. Only through Jewish education can you understand your heritage and why Israel is so important to the Jewish people.

* Stay informed, follow the news: Every 15 minutes reports breaking news from Israel and the Middle East. Read the Israeli newspapers in English or Hebrew. Read the Arab news publications in English including a critical analysis of what they tell their people. Live radio broadcasts from Israel in English and Hebrew are also available.

* Spread the word: Go to for the myths and facts about the Lebanese war. Learn about Hezbollah and Hamas. Communicate your knowledge with family, friends and acquaintances. Send e-mails to everyone on your mailing list. Write letters/articles to newspaper editors. Call in to talk- radio programs.

* Contact news media & publications: Many of the TV networks and national/international newspaper organizations are not giving a balanced view of the present situation. The "left wing" broadcasters and publications draw a moral equivalency between the Jews and the Arabs. Much of the reporting is pro-Arab. Go to and learn how you can monitor and respond to the media, especially to the smaller outlets or radio shows.

* Get political: Write letters, make phone calls, send e-mails and faxes in support of Israel's right to defend itself. Letters should be sent to President Bush, the Secretary of State and members of Congress. Click here for a listing of your public officials.

* Give to Jewish charities and non-profits: Support organizations that provide relief for the Israeli victims of this war. There is a comprehensive listing of charitable and nonprofit organizations in the Israeli Tzedakah Mall ( Contribute to the Israeli Emergency Fund at your local Jewish Federation.

* Buy Israeli products and services: Take a virtual shopping spree, Israel-style. Visit the Israeli Merchandise Mall for an extensive listing of Israeli companies. Buy Israeli-made products at your local retail stores and food markets. Remember, every time you buy an Israeli product, you put food on a family's table and deliver hope to them.

* Make Simcha contributions: When hosting a simcha, include a card with the invitation. Ask your invitees that, at this crucial time, in lieu of a gift, please contribute to a specific Israeli charity. We can provide you with a list of worthwhile organizations. Everyone benefits; the invitee feels good for contributing to Israel, you, the host/hostess, are pleased that you could assist in raising much need money. Above all, the Israeli people will greatly benefit from your kindness. It is a win-win-win situation!

In addition to doing the physical mitzvot of attending a rally, writing a letter, and giving charity, Judaism has a strong spiritual connection to fighting a war. Historically, not only were Jews on the battleground, but there were Jews who prayed for our survival. It must have worked since we are still here and our previous enemies have disappeared. There is no logical or rational explanation to explain our survival so there must be a spiritual connection. Select something that you can do spiritually to help.

* Do random acts of kindness: Show kindness to those you know and those you do not know. A smile, a hello, holding open a door, or simply extending a helping hand to someone who needs it. Give of yourself to assist someone in need. You will really feel good about it! Go to -- to show people of all religions that Jewish kindness is demonstrated daily in every country, every city, and every town.

* Make up a personal prayer: Say a prayer for all the soldiers of the Israel Defense Force and for all residents of Israel. Psalms 20, 83 & 130 are traditionally said in times of distress. The Almighty accepts any prayer given with sincerity and from the heart.

* Make time to study Torah: Become more knowledgeable about your Jewish heritage. Go to Aish to see the Shabbat Shalom Weekly for a contemporary explanation of the Torah portions.

* Contribute Tzedakah: Keep a Tzedakah box (pushka) in your home and office and put a coin in it each day, except on Shabbos. Give each child/grandchild their own Tzedakah box and teach them the importance of giving to those in need! Go to to learn more about the meaning and importance of Tzedakah.

* Put on Tefillin: If you already put on tefillin every day, encourage a friend to do so. If you haven't yet, now is a good time to start! Need a reason? Consider the spiritual connection. Jews throughout the world have been performing this ritual for over 3,000 years. By taking part, you become a link in a chain of Jews past, present and future. Go to to learn more about teffilin.

* Check your Mezuzah: The mezuzah is the written parchment, not the casing. Get one now! If you already have one, it may be time to check it to ensure that the words have not faded. Go to here to learn more about the mezuzah. Contact your rabbi for the name of a sofer -- scribe -- to check your parchment.

* Call family and friends in Israel: Call often with positive conversations, not about the war. Your calls tell them that you are supportive and that they are not alone. These phone calls will lift their spirit and yours too. Plan what you are giving to say and give them good news from home. Send a "care" package with items you think will bring some joy to their lives. Go to for the best telephone rates to Israel.

* Visit Israel: Show your solidarity and courage. Join a mission or go to Israel with family or friends. Israel needs not only your financial support but it needs your physical presence too! Contact us and we will give you organizations sponsoring Israel trips.

* Involve your children and grandchildren: Your children and grandchildren learn from you by example. Teach and involve them in these activities. Encourage them to do these mitzvahs on their own and they will make a personal connection with Israel. Their involvement may be the most important action all of us can take for ourselves, for our future and for the future of Israel.

It is up to you! Are you remaining on the sidelines or are you ready to help and make a difference? When you think about it, we need Israel as much as Israel needs us! ISRAEL, if not now, when?


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