Monday, December 03, 2007

Dear Mr. Bush

Dear President Bush,

Now that Sec'y of State Rice has placed just about all of Israel before the very countries that would like to destroy her and also made all kinds of demands that limit Israel in protecting herself, what is Ms. Rice going to demand of the Arabs who insisted that Israel not even use the same door that they used at Annapolis? How could you, Mr. President, permit foreign delegates to assume that power on American soil?>!~!!!!!! You have allowed a despicable act in the name of a 'peace conference' and emboldened the enemies of world peace.

We have all borne witness to this shameful behavior on the part of your administration. Immediately following the Annapolis conference the non-'moderate' the PA presented a map that had no Israel; this is a slap in the face for the U.S. sponsorship of that event.

Hopefully, you will not tolerate this manipulation in the future.


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