Monday, November 26, 2007


Emanuel A. Winston
Mid East Analyst & Commentator

Every time America's Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and her underhanded propaganda mechanics leaked misleading information about the Annapolis Lynching . I tried to cut through the lies. First Rice floated the idea that the "reformed Terrorist" Mahmoud Abbas was finally there as an "honest partner" for Israel's Prime Minister Ehud Olmert to deal with.
While she yapped about the "inevitable peace", she offered up the "division of Jerusalem" so Israel's opposition would focus on that primarily, while she colluded with Saudi Arabia, Syria and the PLO's Fatah to divide Israel's heartland, Judea and Samaria, from the rest of Israel as her first, main target.

Many of us saw through that ploy.

All the while Rice whipped and tugged on her trembling poodle, PM Olmert, to obey or have his nose pushed into his own dirt. He trembled and obeyed despite knowing he was not only selling out the Jewish nation but also the inevitable dead and wounded to follow.

Then Rice floated the idea that Bush himself was starting to go against her idea of bring every enemy Israel and the Jews had into one big Conference Room. That proved to be a lie, no doubt, on the advice of James Baker III, Papa Bush's Secretary of State, whose past meets the qualification of a Grand Inquisitor for the Catholic Church during the Inquisition.

The Queen "B" floats the idea that the Annapolis Lynching may be postponed for a year. That was so blatant that even the Jews and Christians of wishful thinkers knew they were being suckered. They knew that her intention was to give us all false hope and call off the opposition to dicing Israel into edible pieces for the Terrorists and satisfy Saudi Arabia.

Now you know that the lies piled upon lies was a carefully calculated plan by Rice, the Arabist State Department, James Baker - all with the approval of Bush himself.

The Annapolis Butchery is now scheduled to take place, first with a dinner in Washington on November 26th and then the whole day of November 27th at the Annapolis Naval Academy as "manipulated" by C. Rice. It's supposed to be safely and secretly hidden at Annapolis, Maryland - far away from the multitudes of opposition protesters and media who might have made a difference in the survival and sovereignty of the State of Israel and the lives of the 6 ½ million Israelis.

All the promises to eviscerate Israel's heartland have been on-going non-stop, despite the leaks that Saudi Arabia or Syria (hopefully) will not attend.

The Rice Perfidy was plain for all to see and now the Queen "B" swings the cleaver. Once again the "Final Solution to the Jewish Question" is on the butcher block as happened at Wannsee under Heydrich and Eichmann.

Israel and her Jews are intended (by this bunch of UN-holy ghouls) to meet the fate of extinction IF C. Rice and the rest of the world have their way with them.

Even as the Islamists of the Arab world promise on their Korans to not only kill off Israel and America as well, the Quislings of American governance join them, ignoring their own peril.

As I have said for years, hopefully G-d's patience has worn thin and will take retribution upon the nations and their leaders for trying to destroy His handiwork and his people.



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