Sunday, November 25, 2007

Rallies are planned for this week to support Israel and reject the Annapolis conference, its 'guest list' , and the demands to be made of Israel.

Here is a short list of 8 MKs who must hear from as many people as possible - that they must resign and bring down the government before it is too late. . Olmert, Livni, and Barak are headed for Annapolis and are capable of capitulating to the assembled - our enemies. We will be held to their promises even though they do not represent what is in the best interest of the country. Please contact the following and forward this message to others - with the request that they do the same.

Telephone blitz list of MKs to call, fax or e-mail about leaving the government now.

Name Party e-mail Phone #s Fax

David Azoulay Shas 6408184,5 6753908

Ze’ev Boim Kadima 6408439, 40 6496062

Zeev Elkin Kadima 6408145,6 6496438

Israel Hasson Yis Beitenu 6408119,20 6496585

Avig Liberman Yis Beitenu 6408388,9 6408921

Alex Miller Yis Beitenu 6408017,8 6496479

Yitzchak Vaknin Shas 6408106 6496079

Eli Yishai Shas 6408406,7 6662909

The people who answer these phones are the parliamentary aides to the MKs.


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