Monday, November 12, 2007

PA 'police' caught in pre-Annapolis lie

The PA/PLO's so-called police force was caught in a lie late last week as it sort to again fool the world into believing it was serious about combating terrorism ahead of the US-sponsored "peace" conference planned for later this month. According to Israeli defense officials cited in The Jerusalem Post Sunday, the terrorists recruited into the PA's "police force" made a big deal out of nothing after mounting a purported anti-terrorism raid in Shechem (Arab-named Nablus) during which they claim to have confiscated 40 bombs meant for use against Israelis.

The IDF sources said seven pipe bombs had been discovered in the "raid" which was carried out in cooperation with "gunmen who belong to a violent offshoot of Palestinian Authority President [sic] Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement," as the Post reported it.

Abbas' "police" had not demanded that Abbas' terrorists disarm, a Fatah leader stressed.

It is understood to be in the PA/PLO's interest to be seen, before the scheduled Annapolis conference, to be clamping down on lawlessness and terrorism in the areas it is supposed to control.

In trademark "Palestinian" fashion, however, while paying lip service to its commitments, and even acting out its compliance, the PA/PLO is steering well clear of actually keeping to its agreement.

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