Sunday, November 11, 2007

IDF activity against terror - Weekly review

The IDF operated in the southern Gaza Strip in order to prevent the terror organizations, Hamas in particular, from approaching the security fence and to thwart the launching of rockets and mortar shells into Israel. On Friday, the IDF carried out an aerial attack against a Hamas post in the southern Gaza Strip. The attack followed numerous mortar shell launchings at Israeli communities in the Western Negev, Nativ Ha'asara in particular.

During the week IDF forces carried out, in three different incidents, attacks against rocket launching cells and armed launchers that were identified on different launching sites in the northern Gaza Strip.

On Tuesday, forces discovered two explosive devices that Palestinians planted near the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip. The explosives were intended to be discharged against IDF soldiers, and were detonated in a controlled environment by an IDF force.

On Tuesday, an IDF soldier, Staff Sergeant Yariv Amitai, was killed in a military vehicle accident during an IDF routine patrol near the security fence between Israel and the Gaza Strip

Dozens of Palestinians were taken for initial questioning in Israel by security forces.

During the past week, over 25 mortar shells and approximately 25 Kassam rockets were fired at Israeli communities in the western Negev and at soldiers operating within the Gaza Strip causing damage, power failures and a local fire.

Summary of activity in Judea and Samaria:

During the past week IDF forces operated in the Judea and Samaria region in order to thwart the extensive terrorist activity and to prevent terror attacks emanating from this region into Israel.

On Sunday, IDF forces discovered 2 pipe bombs near Beit Ummar, south of Bethlehem. The explosives were discovered during a routine search in an area from which Palestinians hurled two Molotov cocktails at passing Israeli vehicles shortly beforehand. The pipe bombs were detonated in a controlled environment.

On Monday, a 17-year-old Palestinian girl arrived at an IDF post near the neighborhood of Tel Rumeda in Hebron and pulled out a knife in an attempt to stab the soldiers at the post. She was taken for questioning by security forces.

On Wednesday, during IDF activity in Kufar Dan, northwest of Jenin, Palestinians hurled two explosive devices and opened fire several times at the force. The force identified a Palestinian gunman, fired at him and identified hitting him.

Two pipe bombs, bomb making materials, an M16 rifle, IDF equipment and ammunition were discovered during this week's IDF activity in Judea and Samaria. IDF forces arrested 76 Palestinians who were all taken for questioning by security forces.

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