Monday, October 08, 2007

Winograd to avoid personal recommendations

Commission probing management of last summer's war with Hizbullah will publish its final report within next few weeks, but will avoid naming officials blamed for political, military failures The Winograd Commission is set to publish its final report on the management of last summer's Second Lebanon War within the next few weeks, but the report will not include personal recommendations.

The report will include details of the government's and army's handling of the war, but will exclude the names of officials blamed for political and military failures during the 34-day conflict with Hizbullah.

It remains unclear whether the report will clearly state that Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is unfit to lead the country over his poor handling of the conflict. In an intermediate report released in April, the commission faulted Olmert, former Defense Minister Amir Peretz and former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz for taking Israel to war hastily and failing to conceive an exit strategy.

Ynet has learnt that the commission will avoid naming names for fear of causing political upheaval and undermining efforts to rehabilitate the army after its poor performance against the Lebanese Shiite group.

The commission is of the opinion that the Israeli public will decide whom to blame .

The commission was appointed by the government in September 2006 to silence a hailstorm of public criticism.

Comment: Cowards!

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