Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sderot home suffers direct hit in latest Kassam rocket attack

Several hours after an IAF strike left a senior security official in the Hamas government dead, Palestinians fired a ninth rocket into the western Negev on Tuesday. Although no casualties were reported in the attack, the rocket hit a house in Sderot, causing several people to suffer from shock.
The latest Kassam attack came shortly before 7 p.m., with one rocket landing in a residential neighborhood in Sderot and another landing in an open field belonging to a western Negev kibbutz.
The other seven rockets landed in different areas not far from the Gaza periphery. No casualties or damage were reported in the attacks.
On Tuesday afternoon, an Israeli aircraft attacked a car in central Gaza, destroying the vehicle and killing Mubarak al-Hassanat, a Hamas man described by Palestinian officials as an Interior Ministry member. The ministry oversees all Hamas security forces in the Gaza Strip.
Hassanat, 37, also was a top member of the Popular Resistance Committees, a Hamas-linked group that frequently fires rockets into Israel.
The IDF confirmed the airstrike, saying the car was carrying a senior operative responsible for rocket and mortar attacks on Israel.
Overnight Monday, IDF troops operating in Jenin shot and killed two senior Islamic Jihad operatives in a gunfight that ensued after the two resisted arrest. An IDF officer was lightly wounded in the exchange.
The operatives were Khaled Hussein, who was suspected of planning suicide bombings and shooting attacks, and his assistant Tarek Abu Ali.
The two were carrying large amounts weapons when they were killed.
Six other Palestinian terror suspects were arrested in Jenin by a force from the Nahal Brigade.
Meanwhile, an explosive device was thrown at IDF troops operating in Bethlehem Monday night. No one was wounded and no damage was reported in the attack.
IDF troops arrested 19 Palestinian suspects in the West Bank overnight, Army Radio reported.
AP contributed to this report.

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