Monday, October 15, 2007

Sample letter to the editor

The following is a very good example of a letter that responds to media gone astray-FOX News Show Dear Alan,

I am a regular viewer of Hannity and Colmes and try to keep an open mind as I see each program although my thinking is more in line with Sean's than with yours. After seeing your show with Steve Emerson as guest I am compelled to write to you.

I am involved with a group that monitors the news and terrorism. Several of those that practice such violence today proudly incorporate the word 'Islam' in their identities; they want to be recognized as believers
who are conducting terrorism in the name of their religion. Suicide bombers invoke the name of Allah as they
destroy themselves and others, inflicting as much damage as possible to human life. They consider it the achievement of martyrdom to do this; I have heard it myself directly from Muslims.

Just to name a few: Ansar al-Islam (Iraq, Kurdistan), Gama'a al-Islamiyya (Egypt), Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan), Islamic Jihad Group (Syria, Iran), Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestine).

Then there are other groups that have different names but the same goals. Just to name a few:
Hezbollah (Lebanon, Iran), HAMAS (Palestine), Abu Sayyef (Philippines), and al Qaida which is worldwide
and has senior leaders in other terrorist organizations. The goal of al Qaida is the overthrow of governments and the establishment of a world caliphate.

Alan, your insistence that the word 'Islamofascism' not be used is an attempt to whitewash the danger of which we must all be aware. Radical Islam is the enemy and terrorism is its weapon. This does not refer to moderate Muslims but to those fundamentalists who have declared war on Western civilization using their religion as the basis for their jihadism. So determined are they to destroy our way of life that they train their young to participate in terrorist activities and celebrate their martyrdom.

I hope that you will open your mind to other opinions, Alan, and be able to admit that someone else may have a valid point.

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