Tuesday, October 02, 2007

One-State Solution – Unpublished Letter.

by Steven Shamrak

I sent this letter to “The Australian Jewish News” a while ago, as a reply to several letters about ‘Two-States solution’ and ‘Jordanian option’ (transfer control of the West Bank to Jordan) that had been published by the paper. As usual it was not printed. One-State Solution – Unpublished Letter.by Steven Shamrak.I sent this letter to “The Australian Jewish News” a while ago, as a reply to several letters about ‘Two-States solution’ and ‘Jordanian option’ (transfer control of the West Bank to Jordan) that had been published by the paper. As usual it was not printed. Pro-Zionist ideas are considered as radical, but ideas based on self-hate and treason are not!The idea of a two-state solution has become the only focus of the peace process in the Middle East. For many years Israel has tried education, negotiation, economic stimulation, political and territorial sacrifice. Israel gave control of the West bank and Gaza to the PA after the Oslo agreement. Nothing has worked so far! The idea has failed to bring peace to Israel, just more terror.The idea of the removal of 240,000 Jews from their ancestral land, Judea and Samaria, does not shock "Peace Now" supporters. At the same time they are rejecting the idea of the transfer of Arabs from Jewish land. Why is the idea of giving up Jewish land to enemies, whose goal is the complete destruction of the State of Israel, not considered radical, but advocating the rights of Jewish people to the land of their ancestors is? The fact that our enemies, not just Arabs, have been persistently working on a one-state solution, a Muslim state without Jews, is completely ignored by many Jews!Recently, a new Islamic order has emerged in the Gaza Strip. People have started to talk about three or four states on Jewish land: Israel, Jordan, Fatahstan and Hamastan. Any idea is acceptable for consideration, but not the Jewish one!Peace in Israel and the two-state solution are mutually exclusive. One-state alternative: Israel as the Jewish state on all Jewish lands is the only effective way to bring peace and end Arab terror in Israel permanently.
Dear Readers, I have been publishing my editorial letters about the Arab-Israel conflict since August 2001.Most people, including many Jews, are driven by emotions and by pre-conceived ideas. Often opinions are formed under the influence of the world media manipulation. Facts and logic are ignored and distorted. Neither Israeli governments nor Jewish leadership have been doing anything about the PR side of the Arab-Israel conflict. I try to disseminate several points in my letters:
· · Israel is the front-line defense in the war between Wahabism - Islamic expansionism and Western democracies.
· · UN anti-Israel bias and double-standard is applied to Israel by the International community.

· · Jewish people have the right to live in peace on the all land of their ancestors.

· · Israel is the only Jewish state. There are 60 Muslim countries, including 22 Arab ones. They have enough land to accommodate all Arabs.
· · Negotiation will not stop terrorism, it only makes it stronger. Elie Wiesel said: "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference."

As members of the Western democratic society, we all have an obligation to fight indifference and to protect our way of life – Democracy, Social justice and Freedom of Speech. The blind bashing of Israel is not a part of a true democracy. It is ugly leftover of the "Old World ".With respect.Steven Shamrak

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