Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Nazzal: Damascus conference reflects Palestinian people's rejection of compromise

DAMASCUS, (PIC)-- Senior Hamas political leader and member of its political bureau Mohammed Nazzal stated, on Monday, that the upcoming Palestinian national conference, to be held in the Syrian capital Damascus, aims to send a clear political message to the world that the Palestinian people will not compromise their national rights. "The Damascus conference is indeed a big Palestinian and Arab rally that reflects firmness of the Palestinian people and Palestinian resistance factions on rejecting any step that might be taken to compromise political rights or national constants of the Palestinian people", affirmed Nazzal in an exclusive interview with the PIC.

He also explained that the conference, which is scheduled from 7-9 of next month in Damascus city, aims at confronting the dangers that engulf the Palestinian issue, including the "Zio-American" conspiracy to politically and geographically divide the Palestinian.

"The conference will put Palestinian and Arab leaders, influential parties, intellectuals, and politicians before their historical and national duties of not giving political cover to the US-Israeli scheme to liquidate the Palestinian issue in the upcoming US-planned conference in Annapolis city", Nazzal added.

Nazzal also pointed out that the Damascus conference will stress Palestinian national unity as the cornerstone in the Palestinian quest for liberation, in addition to draw plans and mechanisms to cure the Palestinian wound and to bail the Palestinian arena out of the current political impasse through national dialogue.

Hamas Movement had repeatedly called on PA chief Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah faction to sit with it and discuss Palestinian national interests, priorities, and political aspirations of the Palestinian people; but both Abbas and Fatah faction rejected that "brotherly" call, and preferred, instead, to engage with the Israelis in bi-weekly meetings that proved to be futile so far.

Moreover, Nazzal underlined that the conference will discuss ways and means to restructure the PLO on new, healthy, and firm political basis in order to be really considered the only and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in the homeland and in the diaspora.

But he made it clear that the conference will not be, in any away, an alternative to the Palestinian organization.

He also refuted allegations uttered by a number of Ramallah-based Fatah leaders that the Damascus meeting would deepen political and social rift in the Palestinian structure, affirming that those who mortgaged the Palestinian issue to the Israelis and are willing to compromise Palestinian national constants are indeed the ones who inflict harm on the Palestinian issue.

"They (Fatah leaders in Ramallah) are scared of a nightmare that the Damascus conference might be an alternative to their PLO, which explains their keenness to block the meeting", explained Nazzal.

Earlier, Abbas sent a delegation of three persons from Fatah headed by former PA interior minister Naser Yousef to Damascus purposely to convince the Syrian leadership not to host such a gathering.

But Nazzal raised doubt over Abbas's ability to block the meeting, saying that the Syrian leadership had agreed to host the meeting because they were fully aware of the main and national objectives of the conference.

More than 700 personalities from the different Palestinian resistance factions, including Fatah faction, social parties, popular unions, and representatives of Palestinian refugees, in addition to many Arab political and social parties are expected to attend the Damascus conference.

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