Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hamas Asserts on Rejection of any kinds of negotiations with Israel

Gaza, October 16, 2007, (RNA) – Hamas Islamic movement reiterated Tuesday on its "fixed position" which refuses any kind of negotiations with Israel Please wait ...

Gaza, October 16, 2007, (RNA) – Hamas Islamic movement reiterated Tuesday on its "fixed position" which refuses any kind of negotiations with Israel. In a statement sent to RNA, Hamas said that it refuses any kinds of negotiations with the Israelis. Hamas statement comes after the statement of the spokesperson of the dismissed Palestinian PM Haniyya, Ghazi Hamad, who stated to RNA that Hamas does not object the principle of negotiations with Israel. The Islamic movement said that Hamad's statement expresses his personal point of view and individual believes rather than the principle of the movement it self. Worthy to mention that the spokesperson of Israeli Foreign Ministry Amira Oron said that Israel is ready for talks with Hamas with three conditions; recognition the state of Israel, respect all former agreements between Israel and Palestine, and stop violence against Israel.

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