Thursday, October 18, 2007

Abbas Without guarantees Palestinians cannot attend conference

Comment: Interpretation of Abbas'words, "We have nothing to give, this is all your fault, unless you promise us you will give more before we even go to the conference to negotiate we will not attend. Furthermore, you now run the risk of an even more dangerous Intifada-again you started it."

Of course they have much to give:end all incitement via your educational materials, media, tv shows and special events. Re-do your entire eduction system with oversight by EU education officials. Cease all rocket firing into Israel proper. Cease all homicide bombing attempts and tear down bomb factories.implement, already existing plans, to create three new water purification systems in Judea and Sameria. These are a start-the West should insist that the Palestinian leadership and people are capable of this kind of self-control and offer it to Israel as a sign of good faith.Cease making good will gestures expected of Israel-admit you must demonstrate self-control. make this statement ahead of the November Conference. We would then see how serious you are!

Bethlehem – Ma'an – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday, following his meeting with Condoleezza Rice, that Palestinians cannot participate in the US-sponsored conference without assurances.
Abbbas with Condi(MaanImages)

Bethlehem – Ma'an – Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Wednesday, following his meeting with Condoleezza Rice, that Palestinians cannot participate in the US-sponsored conference without assurances.Abbas said, "The most important thing to be achieved is a clear and defined document, which helps us begin negotiations within a definite date."Things cannot be left to circumstantial developments, because reaching a final solution requires a defined document and clear timing."Abbas' aide and spokesperson Nabil Abu Rdaina told Al Jazeera that there has been no progress in the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations."The two positions are still at odds and the gaps remain wide," said Abu Rdaina.

Abu Rdaina revealed that President Abbas told Rice that building confidence with the Israelis is difficult and that Israel must cease settlement expansion, targeted killings and incursions into the Palestinian territories.Israel's refusal to agree to a timetable for negotiations, said Abu Rdaina, reflects a reluctance to reach an agreement at the autumn summit.

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