Tuesday, September 04, 2007

We are fooling you-we DO HAVE money!

Bethlehem – Ma'an – The Palestinian cabinet decided to pay a full month's salary in addition to 70% of accumulative dues to the civil servants Bethlehem – Ma'an – The Palestinian cabinet decided to pay a full month's salary in addition to 70% of accumulative dues to the civil servants, the Palestinian minister of economy Kamal Hassouna told Ma'an on Monday. Salam Fayyad, the Prime Minister and Minister of the Treasury said that the government was committed to its policy regarding payment of salaries for public sector employees.

According to Minister Hassouna, the cabinet has also decided to draw up a committee of academics, university deans and higher education employees to look at the issue of the length of the school week. Teachers have been protesting against the reduction of the weekend to one day instead of two as it is for employees of other government ministries.

The committee will present its recommendations to the Palestinian cabinet. The cabinet also received a request from the minister of prisoner's affairs, Ashraf Al-'Ajrami demanding a greater budget for detainees.

Furthermore, the Minister of the Interior, Abed Al-Razzaq Al-Yahya addressed the Cabinet on the current security status in the Palestinian territories and what has been accomplished with regard to imposing law and order within the ministry's security plan. The cabinet also decided to pay 325 US dollars in aid to long-term prisoners and their families. The family of each prisoner who has served more than 20 years in Israeli jails will receive 5,000 US dollars. In addition, a million US dollars have been allocated to pay university tuition fees for the students just starting university who scored top marks in the general secondary test in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

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