Wednesday, September 12, 2007

“The use of Lebanese civilians as human shields"

We have recently completed a comprehensive study entitled “The use of Lebanese civilians as human shields: the extensive military infrastructure positioned and hidden by Hezbollah in populated areas. From within the Lebanese towns and villages deliberate rocket attacks were directed against civilian targets in Israel .” The study was based on a wide range of materials which have not previously been used.
The issue of the terrorist organizations' use of human shields is important for understanding the dilemma faced by the State of Israel and international community as they confront terrorism, not only in Lebanon but in the Palestinian Authority-administered territories and in other arenas around the world. We are sending you the main points for perusal, and the entire study will shortly be available (in sections) on the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center Website.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Reuven Erlich
Director of the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies

Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies (C.S.S)

Hezbollah's use of Lebanese civilians as human shields: the extensive military infrastructure positioned and hidden in populated areas. From within the Lebanese towns and villages deliberate rocket attacks were directed against civilian targets in Israel.

Dr. Reuven Erlich (Col. Ret.) 1

The launch… …and the results
A Syrian-made 220 mm rocket launched at Haifa from the outskirts of Tyre (August 13) A house in the Bat Galim district of Haifa destroyed by a Syrian-made 220 mm rocket containing ball bearings (July 17, 2006)


This study analyzes two central concepts of Hezbollah's warfare, demonstrated during the second Lebanon war (July-August 2006). The first is the broad use of the Lebanese civilian population as a living shield; the second, viewing the Israeli civilian population as the primary target for the enormous rocket arsenal Hezbollah built up over a period of years. Both acts are considered war crimes under international law. They express the basic asymmetry between Israel , committed to moral conduct and international law, and a terrorist organization operating in direct contravention of those laws. That asymmetry is characteristic of the warfare waged against the State of Israel (and the entire international community) by Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations and as such is, by and large, a most recent case study of a situation prevailing in other conflict zones in this twenty first century.
The background to specific issues treated in this study was a war, the second Lebanon war, which caught both sides – and the world – by surprise. Israel was forced to deal with a host of both moral and practical problems that this war dramatically brought to the fore. From the very outset the hostilities were born of a mistaken perception. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah thought he could carry out a cross-border abduction and that Israel would respond as it had in the past: with limited military action followed by negotiations for the soldiers' release and a grudging acceptance of Hezbollah's terms for a prisoner swap. Nasrallah has, indeed, publicly admitted that had he known what Israel 's reaction would be, he would not have embarked on that particular course. For Israel signaled Hezbollah that the ground rules had changed, and that it would react differently from the way it had during the six years that followed its withdrawal from south Lebanon (in May 2000). In the heat of battle and throughout the thirty-three days of fierce combat, media attention was focused on the action, and there was little or no time – or patience – to enter into a thorough examination of facts and basic policies. This now needs to be done not only for the purpose of chronicling history in the most accurate and authoritative manner as possible , but also as a guide to similar activities taking place in other theaters of action parallel and subsequent to events in Lebanon.
The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center , which is part of the Center for Special Studies, 2 took upon itself to bring before the public important aspects of the recent war, sifting, verifying, confirming and compiling information that illustrates Hezbollah's policies and modus operandi. The IDF was forced to deal with a terrorist organization, generously supported by two terrorism-sponsoring states ( Iran and Syria ), which constructed a broad military infrastructure within populated areas in south Lebanon . The organization systematically used local inhabitants as human shields, cynically endangering their lives and well being.
From within that infrastructure Hezbollah indiscriminately directed its massive fire at civilian targets in Israel , intending to cause death and destruction and to spread fear in Israel 's heartland and demoralize Israelis. Nearly four thousand rockets were fired into Israel , in gross violation of the international law. The use of human shields and the targeting of civilian populations are war crimes. However, Hezbollah does not see itself as bound by such laws, unlike Israel which did and does its utmost to avoid harming civilians.
Given the prospect of renewed hostilities, not only with Lebanon but in the Palestinian Authority-administered territories, we felt it necessary to provide authentic data previously unavailable to the public. This study is the product of the determination of a small group of people, a devoted team led by military intelligence veteran expert Dr. Reuven Erlich, who were privileged to enjoy the cooperation of every potential source of information in Israel . Every item of information was painstakingly checked and double checked to meet the highest standards of accuracy and veracity that this group has maintained in recent years .
This study is designed to provide all interested persons with reliable information about Hezbollah's conduct. Through its reports, and by using its Website to disseminate information, the Center for Special Studies performs a public service for global audiences, including the Arab and Muslim world. We in the Center for Special Studies are dedicated not only to commemorating the fallen of the Israeli intelligence community and to preserving its heritage but no less to harnessing the accumulated capabilities of our veterans to serve the current needs of truth- seeking audiences. Thus, as we look to the past, we make an effort to disseminate information contributing to the current war on terrorism. I sincerely hope that the reader will find the material of interest and be attentive to the wider context within which this unique study should be considered.
With every good wish,
Efraim Halevy
Center for Special Studies - Chairman
(Former Head of the Israeli Mossad 1998- 2002)

About the study
This study examines Hezbollah's exploitation of Lebanese civilians as human shields. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization which constructed a broad, advanced, comprehensive military infrastructure within densely populated areas of Lebanon . During the last war Hezbollah used that infrastructure to carry out a massive series of previously planned rocket attacks against population centers in Israel . Its objective was to wear down Israel , to cause civilian casualties and property damage, to cripple the economy and rend the fabric of Israeli society.
Iran and Syria , both terrorism-supporting states, regard Hezbollah as a strategic asset and are responsible for its military build-up in Lebanon, which they foster with massive arms shipments (long-range rockets and advanced anti-tank missiles), enormous infusions of money and political support. They intended to use Hezbollah's military might against Israel in due time, when their own strategic considerations dictated, for example in response to an attack on Iran 's nuclear installations.
The construction of a broad military infrastructure, positioned and hidden in populated areas, was intended to minimize Hezbollah's vulnerability. In addition it was designed to provide it with a kind of immunity to IDF attacks by using civilians as human shields, rely on the knowledge that it is IDF commitment to avoid harming civilians whenever possible. Hezbollah would also gain a propaganda advantage if it could represent Israel as attacking innocent civilians, which in fact was exactly what happened during the last war in Lebanon (“the second Lebanon war.”) .
Hezbollah's long-term plan , which was speeded up when the IDF withdrew from Lebanon in 2000, was to a construct orderly, organized military infrastructure within densely populated areas . They were established in the southern neighborhoods of Beirut (especially in Harat Hreik, where the organization's command center is located), in south Lebanon (especially south of the Litani River , the heart of its operational infrastructure) and in the Beqa'a Valley (especially in the region of Baalbek , where its training and logistics facilities are located).
Hezbollah's main deployments are the following:
a. Offensive : Before the outbreak of the second Lebanon war, Hezbollah stockpiled an arsenal of more than 20,000 rockets of various ranges, including long-range rockets capable of reaching both the north and center of Israel . They were primarily concentrated in south Lebanon and for the most part kept in designated storehouses located in civilian structures (private residences and public institutions) in many towns and villages. That enabled Hezbollah to wage a long-term campaign against Israel and to inflict extensive damage on its civilian population. Hezbollah aspired to create a balance of deterrence with Israel and exploit it to carry out attacks and encourage terrorism in the Palestinian Authority-administered territories, and at the same time to continue building up its military power in Lebanon .
b. Defensive : Hezbollah's defensive deployment is based on its military infrastructure south of the Litani River and in the hills around Nabatiya. Its objective was to enable Hezbollah to conduct guerilla attacks against the IDF with advanced anti-tank missiles, engineering forces and well-trained and well-equipped infantry. Its defensive infrastructure is based on a broad deployment within the Shi'ite towns and villages south of the Litani River and the intention to wage determined urban warfare (a concept well-illustrated by operational plans captured by the IDF during the war). To complement its military infrastructure within populated areas, Hezbollah also constructed such an infrastructure in non-populated areas, but its function is secondary in its overall defensive strategy.
c. Logistic : Hezbollah's logistic deployment consists of numerous storehouses of weapons scattered throughout Lebanon , particularly south Lebanon , which enable Hezbollah to engage in protracted warfare against Israel . To that end Hezbollah instituted a broad logistic system in south Lebanon based on hundreds of private residences and public institutions (including mosques ). It also makes extensive use of Lebanon 's road system to transport weapons from Syria to its forces in south Lebanon (as happened during the war), and of Lebanon 's communications and mass media capabilities, among them its own media.
Hezbollah's exploitation of Lebanese residents as human shields for its military infrastructure was well-illustrated during the second Lebanon war. It carried out stubborn urban fighting and launched thousands of rockets at Israeli cities and towns from close proximity to private residences and public institutions . Hezbollah had advance plans to turn many villages into ground-fighting arenas against the IDF, cynically exploiting the local civilian population (such exploitation is considered a war crime and gross violation of international laws governing armed conflict ). At the present time Hezbollah is rehabilitating the military infrastructure damaged during the war with no change in its basic policy of hiding within the civilian population.
The documentary section of this study provides proof , based on a wide range of intelligence sources, of the use of civilians as human shields and the deliberate shelling of Israeli cities and towns. Its main sections include:
a. Aerial photographs of Hezbollah headquarters, bases, offices, weapons and ammunition stores, and intelligence and propaganda installations. The military infrastructure located by the aerial photographs is shown to be positioned and hidden within clearly civilian population centers in south Beirut , south Lebanon and the Beqa'a Valley.
b. Examples of locating the military infrastructure within population centers and of launching rockets close to private residences and public institutions , taken from a wide variety of sources: aerial photographs, land photographs taken by IDF forces, aerial photograph interpretation, seized documents, interrogations of Hezbollah detainees, radar screens of rocket fire from within villages and television footage.
c. Proof that Hezbollah deliberately fired rockets (including fragment-spraying rockets ) at population centers and civilian facilities in Israel . The following sources were used: analysis and reconstruction of the rocket remains found in Israel , public statements made by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, seized Hezbollah documents, and announcements made by Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV and its other communications media.

8. In addition to the text, the study includes a CD of selected material documenting Hezbollah's operational activities conducted from within the Lebanese population and the rocket fire aimed at Israeli settlements . It also includes examples of footage photographed by the IDF from the air and on the ground, television network footage, recorded information obtained from three Hezbollah detainees, a selection of public statements made by Hassan Nasrallah and announcements aired by the Hezbollah-controlled media.

The IDF copes with a military infrastructure hidden
within civilian population centers
This study will show that during the second Lebanon war the IDF was forced to fight a terrorist organization which deliberately positioned and hid a vast military infrastructure (including rockets specifically intended to attack Israeli cities and towns) within a civilian environment. That was done by cynically using the Lebanese population within which it is located as a human shield.
The IDF was therefore faced with the problem of inflicting serious damage on Hezbollah's military infrastructure to protect the security of Israel 's citizens, while maintaining its moral and ideological commitment to avoid harming civilians. As a solution, and to minimize insofar as possible the harm done to the civilian population, the IDF used a variety of means to warn the residents of south Beirut and south Lebanon, advising them to leave areas in which Hezbollah operated. 3 The warnings were clearly understood by the local population and most residents left the areas where there was fighting, without a doubt reducing the number of civilians killed .
It should be noted that the IDF's air strikes and ground attacks against Hezbollah targets located in population centers were carried out in accordance with international law , which does not grant immunity to a terrorist organization deliberately hiding behind civilians supporting it, using them as human shields. Attacks against Hezbollah targets and the Lebanese infrastructure serving Hezbollah's military activities were carried out during the war in accordance with the statutes of international law governing the conduct of war, and Israel was within its rights to defend itself, its security and the health and welfare of its citizens. During the war, as a whole, the decision-making process during the war in the IDF which related to the attacks was accompanied by legal counsel from Military Advocate General's Corps .
Hezbollah , on the other hand, engaged in previously planned massive rocket fire directed against civilian targets with the clear intention to destroy, kill and terrorize the Israeli population while violating the statutes of international law governing the conduct of war. The violations committed by Hezbollah during the war (and which it has every intention of committing again) are within the strict definitions of war crimes , and it is up to the international community to use all available legal and political means to deal with Hezbollah and with the states which encourage it.

Sources used
The study is based on information from Military Intelligence and many other sources. Preparing this study revealed a great deal of information, however, as is only natural, most of the material in the hands of the Israeli security establishment is classified.
The study provides a large amount of varied analyses and documentation, the latter coming from a variety of sources:
a. Footage photographed by the Israeli Air Force during the war.
b. Footage and still shots photographed by the IDF Spokesman and IDF ground forces.
c. Television footage of public statements made by Hassan Nasrallah as well as Hezbollah announcements.
d. Testimonies of interrogated Hezbollah detainees.
e. Locating Hezbollah headquarters, bases, offices, weapons and installations in aerial photographs.
f. Hezbollah documents captured by the IDF during the war.
g. The IDF radar location of the sources of Hezbollah rocket fire from south Lebanon .
h. Data from the IDF Operational Division, the Israeli Ministry for Environmental Protection, the Israeli Police Department and the National Insurance Institution for losses and damages in Israel caused by rocket fire.
i. Preliminary investigations of IDF forces relating to the war.
All parts of this study relating to the legal aspects of the use of civilians as human shields and of rocket fire targeting Israel's civilian population were prepared with the help of the International Law Department of the IDF's Military Advocate General's Corps and the Legal Branch of the Foreign Ministry. We would also like to thank Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Danny Grossman for his comments. 4

Table of Contents

The study is divided into four parts:
a. Part One : Introduction. The establishment of Hezbollah's military infrastructure within the civilian population of Lebanon .
b. Part Two : Documentation. Proof of the location of Hezbollah's military. infrastructure and operational activities carried out from within the civilian population
c. Part Three : Population centers in Israel as targets for Hezbollah rocket fire .
d. Part Four : Text and visual appendices on CD .

Part One: Introduction –The establishment of Hezbollah's military infrastructure
within the civilian population of Lebanon
A general description of Hezbollah's military infrastructure and the rationale behind establishing and using it:
a. Acceleration of a military force build-up since the IDF withdrawal from south Lebanon in May 2000.
b. The objectives of military force according to Hezbollah , Iran and Syria .
c. A general description of Hezbollah's concept of deployment and use of military force.
Using the civilian population as a human shield:
a. The rationale behind positioning and hiding Hezbollah's military infrastructure within densely populated areas.
b. A general description of the deployment and functioning of Hezbollah's military infrastructure in populated areas in south Lebanon .
c. Hezbollah's concept of urban warfare and its application during the second Lebanon war.
d. Hezbollah's awareness of the danger to the civilians resulting from its presence and activity in the villages.
e. The local residents' abandoning of the regions where Hezbollah military infrastructure was located.
f. The large percentage of Hezbollah operatives among those killed during the war relative to the number of civilians killed.
g. Rehabilitating Hezbollah's military infrastructure after the war using the same pattern of positioning and hiding it within the civilian population.

Part Two: Documentation – Proof of the location of the Hezbollah's military infrastructure and operational activities carried out from within the civilian population
Locations of the military infrastructure in the Shi'ite suburbs of south Beirut :
a. General description.
b. Examples of aerial photographs of Hezbollah targets attacked by the Israeli Air Force in south Beirut .
Locatios of the military infrastructure in the villages of south Lebanon and a description of the ground warfare waged there by Hezbollah:
a. Overview
b. Bint Jbeil
c. Aita al-Shaab
d. Ghandouriyeh-Froun
e. Maroun al-Ras
Locations of Hezbollah headquarters, bases, offices, storehouses and weapons in additional settlements in south Lebanon :
a. The city of Tyre .
b. Villages near the Israeli-Lebanese border (Meiss al-Jabal, Al-Baiyada, Al- Khiyam, Kafr Kila).
c. Villages further north (Yater, Soultaniyeh, ‘Abbassiyeh, Khirbet Silm, Qana, Maaroub, Tibnin).
The locations in aerial photographs of Hezbollah headquarters and bases within population centers in the Beqa'a Valley, especially in the city of Baalbek .
Locations of rocket launchings from villages and village outskirts, based on radar tracking and the aerial photograph interpretation.
Some of the documentation is accompanied by a CD nearly an hour long, including:
a. Footage photographed by the IDF and the Israeli TV channels documenting Hezbollah rocket fire and urban warfare (accompanying Appendix 2 i ).
b. Testimony given by detained Hezbollah operatives concerning the organization's activities within population centers (accompanying Appendix 2 ii ).
c. Public statements made by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and announcements broadcast by Hezbollah-controlled media concerning rocket fire targeting Israeli population centers (accompanying Appendix 2 iii ).

Part Three: Population centers in Israel as targets
for deliberate Hezbollah rocket fire
General description of Hezbollah's rocket arsenal:
a. Amounts, types, ranges and manufacturers of Hezbollah's rockets.
b. Rockets as inexact weapons intended to hit settled places rather than pinpoint targets.
c. The use and significance of fragmentation rockets.
d. The rationale behind using rockets: targeting population centers and other civilian installations.
Hezbollah rocket fire targeting population centers during the second Lebanon war:
a. Rocket policy during the various phases of the war.
b. The number and types of rockets fired at Israel .
c. Casualties and property damage inflicted on Israel resulting from Hezbollah rocket fire.
Proof that Hezbollah deliberately attacked Israeli civilians and the country's economic infrastructure:
a. Public statements made by Hassan Nasrallah and announcements in the Hezbollah-controlled media according to which the Israeli population was the main target.
b. Seized documents : Range cards of upgraded Grad rockets ( 122 mm ) containing lists of targets in Israel , most of them civilian settlements.

Part Four: Textual and visual appendices
Appendices :
a. Appendix 1 : Captured documents
1) Appendix 1 (i) : Hezbollah storehouses of explosives in the villages of Kafr Kila and Dibbin in the eastern sector of south Lebanon .
2) Appendix 1 (ii) : Hezbollah battle plan for the town of Deir Mimess in the eastern sector of south Lebanon .
3) Appendix 1 (iii) : Two apartments and two stores rented in the village of Majdal Silm by an operative belonging to the Hezbollah logistics unit.
4) Appendix 1 (iv) : Purchase of services from businesses in south Lebanon by the Hezbollah logistics unit.
5) Appendix 1 (v) : Range cards for upgraded Grad rocket ( 122 mm ) positions containing a list of targets and ranges in Israel , most of them civilian towns and cities.
b. Appendix 2 : Visual appendices
Appendix 2 (i) : Examples of footage photographed by the IDF and by television channels documenting Hezbollah fire and operational activities carried out from within population centers (see attached CD).
Appendix 2 (ii) : Testimonies of three Hezbollah detainees regarding the organization's activity within population centers (see attached CD).
Appendix 2 (iii) : A selection of public statements made by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and announcements appearing in the Hezbollah-controlled media concerning rocket fire targeting population centers in Israel (see attached CD).
c. Appendix 3 : Examples of locating rocket launchers near residential buildings found by interpreting aerial photographs.
d. Appendix 4 : Missile launching sites within villages and in village outskirts outh of the Litani River according to IDF radar tracking.
e. Appendix 5 : Casualties and property damage inflicted on Israel :
1) Appendix 5 (i) : Personal details about Israeli civilians who were killed by Hezbollah rocket fire.
2) Appendix 5 (ii) : Estimates of ecological damage inflicted on Israel by Hezbollah rocket fire.
f. Appendix 6 : The Israeli effort to prevent casualties among the Lebanese population. IDF warnings to the population in Lebanon to leave areas of Hezbollah ctivity and IDF attacks.
g. Appendix 7 : Legal aspects prepared by the International Legal Department of the Military Advocate General's Corps :
1) Appendix 7 (i) : Strikes on terrorist targets located within and nearby civilian population concentrations – legal aspects.
2) Appendix 7 (ii) : Targeting of infrastructure serving the Hezbollah military effort – legal aspects.
3) Appendix 7 (iii) : Hezbollah attacks on civilian objects – legal aspect

1 The study and its translation were carried out at the Center for Special Studies by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center 's staff of experts, headed by Dr. Reuven Erlich. The study was supported by Military Intelligence, the Operations Division of the IDF General Staff, the IDF Spokesperson and the legal experts of the IDF and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2 As of January 1, 2007, its name will be changed to the Israeli Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center .
3 Although such warnings often endangered the IDF's operational capabilities.
4 Danny Grossman is the Israeli Director of the American Jewish Congress.

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