Monday, September 03, 2007

Only in Israel, Not Humorous

Only in Israel is violence against innocent Jews demanded, cheered and praised by the world's "peace-loving" moralists, liberals and democrats. Only in Israel, the Holy Land are Jews forbidden to live and work in Jericho, Bethlehem and other biblical cities.

Only Israel is praised for banishing, exiling, innocent citizens from their homes for one reason and one reason only, these people are Jews.

Only in Israel is the "transfer" of Arabs considered immoral and illegal, but the same people consider the transfer of Jews a priority.

Not only Israelis must think about the logic, the morality in all this irony and hypocrisy.

For Jews, this is the month of Elul, the month of reflection and repentance. The shofar, the call to inspect our souls is blown daily as morning prayers end. No excuses. G-d knows all and is waiting for our sincere repentance. The world will follow.

Courtesy of Batya: span>

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