Sunday, September 16, 2007

"Moderate", peaceful Fatah:2 injured in West Bank shooting attack

Palestinians open fire at car traveling between settlements, flee scene, leaving man and woman mildly injured. Fatah's military wing claims responsibility for attack An Israeli man and woman driving in the West Bank were mildly injured when Palestinians fired gunshots at their vehicle.

The two managed to arrive at a nearby town where they were treated by emergency services and evacuated to Kfar Saba's Meir Hospital.

The al-Quds Brigades, Fatah's military wing, Llater claimed responsibility for the attack.

Military sources reported that the shooter or shooters escaped after firing at the car driving on the road between the settlements of Karnei Shomron and Kedumim. The shooter's vehicle was identified as a white Subaru, and soldiers have begun scanning the area for the runaway car.

Magen David Adom paramedic Danny Tiram told Ynet that the car had many traces of shrapnel on it.

"The couple were hit by shrapnel from the window, which was detached from the car, and by a bullet apparently fired from a hunting rifle. Another woman sitting in the back seat suffered from shock. We attended to them at the scene of the attack and evacuated them to the Meir Hospital in Kfar Saba," he said.

The three passengers said that as they were driving they saw a car traveling on the side of the road. As they overtook the car, they saw a rifle directed at them from the window and a shot was fired at their car.

Despite the relative calm in recent weeks, defense establishment sources have warned that terror organization may be planning attacks during the Jewish New Year and police were put on high alert throughout the country.

Over the holiday, the defense establishment received eight warnings of planned terror attacks and dozens of general alerts.

Due to the terror threat, Defense Minister Ehud Barak called for a full closure on all the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which will be lifted according to situation evaluations.

Efrat Weiss and Ali Waked contributed to this report

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