Friday, September 14, 2007

Hamas welcomes any Russian role to solve inter-Palestinian crisis

The Hamas Movement on Thursday welcomed any Russian role to strengthen the inter-Palestinian dialogue in the light of PA chief Mahmoud Abbas's persistence on rejecting any dialogue with Hamas for about three months. "Hamas underlines the importance of the statements made by Russian deputy foreign minister Alexander Sultanov during his visit to Cairo, where he called for the immediate resumption of dialogue between Hamas and the PA leadership because this is the only way to overcome the existing crisis", Dr. Sami Abu Zuhri, a Hamas spokesman in Gaza, stated in a press release received by the PIC.

Dr. Abu Zuhri opined that the Russian statements "reflect that Russia understands accurately the facts behind the events and highlight the growing European awareness of the importance of taking into account the positions of Hamas faction and not to ignore it. He also considered the Russian statements as indirect condemnation of the PA's positions which decline to open any dialogue with Hamas.

The spokesman confirmed Hamas's welcome to any Russian effort which could contribute to the strengthening of the inter-Palestinian dialogue in face of attempts by international parties aimed to escalate the inter-Palestinian crisis.

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