Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Hamas organizes massive march in denunciation of Fatah mess in Gaza

GAZA, (PIC)-- The Hamas Movement on Wednesday declared that it would organize a massive march on Thursday evening in denunciation of Fatah attempts to reinstate security chaos in the Gaza Strip. Ashraf Abu Dayya, a spokesman for the Movement, said that security and stability in Gaza, which prevailed after Hamas's takeover of security affairs in the Strip, would be preserved by force of the law so as to continue along the march of steadfastness, resistance and construction.

He explained that the Palestinian masses would contribute to the march from all Gaza districts to express their wish to maintain the supremacy of law and order, and to reflect their support for the legitimate PA government led by Ismail Haneyya.

Abu Dayya called on the Palestinian masses to say their word tomorrow and to give a clear message to those involved in such attempts to destabilize the Strip that their schemes and those planning them in Ramallah would never achieve their goals.

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