Sunday, September 02, 2007

Hamas' EF abducts eight Fatah members in Gaza

Gaza – Ma'an - Hamas' Executive Force abducted eight members of Fatah, three of whom are from the Al Aqsa Brigades, in the Gaza Strip on Friday.

The military wing of Fatah, the Al Aqsa Brigades, issued a statement claiming that the EF abducted three of their members from the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood of Gaza City and five other Fatah members from northern Gaza.

"The members were taken from their homes immediately after Friday prayer," said the brigades.

The brigades revealed that they will not remain mute and immobile in the face of EF violations against their members.

The Al Aqsa Brigades also alleged that the EF sends spies, disguised as journalists, to record Fatah events. "We have pictures to prove this," said the brigades.

The deposed ministry of the interior said that the arrests took place due to criminal behaviour, which took place after Friday prayer.

The ministry said "some outlaws began throwing stones at the police centre and others fired into the air."

On Saturday, the EF called upon the parents of those taken prisoner on Friday to pay 1,000 NIS (~$250 US) in order to secure the release of the detainees. The EF said that the money would be returned after six months.

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