Wednesday, September 05, 2007

CNN paying For its God's Warrior Presentation

Congratulations everyone-your work has hurt CNN and they are making apologies, adjustments and are financially being stung. We have further great news regarding companies that advertised during "God's Jewish Warriors" - part one of CNN's egregiously biased three-part series, "God's Warriors." Public outrage is now costing CNN money!!

In response to CAMERA's previous alert, CAMERA E-Mail Team member Bill Kedem called Intel CEO Paul Otellini on August 29th. Otellini promptly returned his call and they had a very cordial conversation. According to Bill, Otellini told him that CNN did not have Intel's permission to place Intel's commercial on "God's Jewish Warriors", and as a result, CNN apologized and has agreed to give Intel free advertising on another show. Otellini also told Bill that Intel was upset with CNN over the negative nature of "God's Jewish Warriors," because Intel is very proud of its operations in Israel.

As we previously informed you, two other companies - Orkin Pest Control and Raymond James Financial Services - faulted CNN for placing their commercials on "God's Jewish Warriors," and instructed them to keep their company's ads off any further repeats of the show.

But Intel's request for free advertising is certainly a better strategy. Costing CNN ad dollars is more likely to make CNN executives think twice in the future about broadcasting blatantly biased and distorted news programs with which decent companies don't want to be associated.

So let's suggest this idea to the other companies whose ads were used during the show!

Here are CAMERA's reviews of all three programs in the series:
God's Jewish Warriors God's Muslim Warriors God's Christian Warriors


CONTACT A COMPANY whose ad ran during the "God's Jewish Warriors" program on August 21. In the second sentence of your letter or phonecall, urge them to follow the example of Intel, which complained to CNN about putting Intel's commercial on the controversial and biased show, and asked for free advertising on a different program to make up for CNN's error.

Tell the company that you are disappointed that their product or service was associated with "God's Jewish Warriors," a program that bashed Israel and unfairly smeared pro-Israel American Christians and Jews as disloyal Americans. Express concern that their company's commercial airing on such an offensive program tarnished their reputation for integrity. Since they likely did not authorize CNN to put their commercial on such a shoddy, controversial program, encourage them to ask CNN to give them free advertising on a different show.


The following is a partial list of Advertisers whose commercials ran during CNN's "God's Jewish Warriors," August 21, 9pm - 11pm eastern time:

Calling is very easy, especially since you are informing them of an easy way for their company to get free advertising on CNN.

Centrum Silver
product of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Mr. Palmisano, Advertising Director: 973-660-5463

August Busch IV, CEO
Phone: 314-577-2000
(Can't hurt to try to speak to CEO, but they will likely send you to Consumer Relations. Leave a detailed message with them.)

You can also contact Consumer Relations directly: 800-342-5283

Sales Genie
a division of InfoUSA
Vin Gupta, CEO of InfoUSA
402-596-8900 (Ask for Vin Gupta. If you get his assistant, leave a detailed message with her)

Brinks Home Security
Bob Allen, CEO
Telephone: 972-871-3500, press zero to avoid long voicemail choices, then ask for Bob Allen. Or you can ask for Advertising Department.

Verizon Wireless
Corporate Communications: 908-559-7528

made by Schering-Plough
Phone: 908-298-4000 (ask for advertising dept for Nasonex)
Fax: 908-298-7653

Let CAMERA know if you made a call or sent a comment: If you get a noteworthy response from the company, please let us know.

With thanks,

Lee Green
Director, National Letter-Writing Group

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