Sunday, August 19, 2007

What's the Point-Cowards?

'UNIFIL won't receive power boost in southern Lebanon' Staff, THE JERUSALEM POST
Aug. 19, 2007

The cabinet agreed on Sunday to support the extension of the UNIFIL mandate in southern Lebanon, although the Foreign Ministry said the multinational force would not receive any additional concrete powers in the new mandate. Foreign Ministry director-general Avraham Abramovich told the cabinet that the members of the UNIFIL force - put in place as part of a cease-fire agreement following the Second Lebanon War last summer - were not prepared to increase activity against Hizbullah, insofar as closing the border with Syria and enforcing an arms embargo.

However, Abramovich noted that despite the lack of action, the UN will reiterate its demand that Hizbullah immediately release kidnapped IDF soldiers Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, and call for a weapons-free zone south of the Litani River.

Earlier this month, The Jerusalem Post reported that Israel has been working through diplomatic channels to insert several changes in the UNIFIL mandate in Lebanon to make sure that international forces in the South patrol more in urban areas.

The mandate of the 13,600-strong UN peacekeeping force is due to expire at the end of August.

Comment: This is a waste of USA taxpayer monies. UN "peacekeeping", huh, troops do nothing. Hizzbollah has re-armed itself, re-stocked its supplies, created new launch sites within civilian areas, missiles have been brought in! You can't accurately say they were smuggled in because this was all done in the open, daylight, in front of the "peace keepers". This is a charade beyond proportions!!

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