Wednesday, August 15, 2007

To the Editors
Jerusalem Post

Subject: UK Blocks Israel arms deals for fear of rights violations - Aug.14, 2007

The UK decision to block arms to Israel for fear of human rights violations must be viewed as the continuation
of the longtime British policy of anti-Jewish bias that recalls the last century.

Where was British concern for the human rights of the Jews of Hebron in 1929 massacred by Arab terrorists who gained control of that Biblical city while the British turned a blind eye to the killing and destruction?

What of the brutal British anti-terror methods used in Jenin in Oct., 1938, against Arabs, forcing them to walk where mines had been planted, blowing up a large section of the town - all in retaliation for the assassination of a British official? Documents declassified in London in 1989 provide details of British human rights violations in Jenin; report by Dr. Raphael Medoff.

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