Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pay attention HOW WORLD'S HYPOCRISY WORKS: Canada has disputed territories issue! Occupied land! What does Canada do to assert her presence? Canada is immediately building two military bases—not building ‘settlements‘—and sending to assert her presence in the disputed land.

So all of a sudden Canada—the country that is treating Israel with great hostility—has disputed territory issue! Though the Bible does not tell us that this disputed land is the cradle of the Canadian Nation…rather, it is land in the North Pole—not historical land the Canadians longed to return to its for 2000…but you see what is happening without one U.N. Security Council meeting, without a meeting of the G8, or a murmur from the world; without objections and out cry of any organization!

Why and for what Israel apologizing all the time? This is OUR LAND, and you Kofi Anna, Tzipi Livni and Condoleezza Rice, listen well, listen closely: We are not selling our land and our land is not an item in the international bazaar! Our land is not an item at the negotiation table!

We are not interested in “peace.” All we are interested is in returning our nation to his Biblical and historical land. For the past one hundred and twenty (120) years we have not done badly gathering our people to their Homeland from all corners of the world and that despite your on going disturbance and disruption! Despite the fact that there are traitors amongst us, we will continue doing just that!

This is the land of the Jewish Nation; forget giving the land away to the blood sucking, Islamofascistic enemy. If you want to give to the Arabs a state, choose another place, any where in the world, to include the North Pole. Perhaps you need to approach Canada and she may agree to give the Arabs the North Pole. How about that? Will the Canadians agree? Do you get the hypocrisy?! It is about time you do! (Origin text in Hebrew by Tsafrir Ronen)


From The Times

Arctic military bases signal new Cold War

August 11, 2007


Canada fired a warning shot in a new Cold War over the vast resources of the far North by announcing last night that it will build two new military bases in the Arctic wilderness.

A week after Russia laid claim to the North Pole in what is rapidly becoming a global scramble for the region’s vast oil and gas reserves, Stephen Harper, the Canadian Prime Minister, said that Canada would open a new army training centre for cold-weather fighting at Resolute Bay, and a deep-water port at Nanisivik, on the northern tip of Baffin Island. The country is also beefing up its military presence in the far North with 900 Rangers.

“Canada’s Government understands that the first principle of Arctic sovereignty is use it or lose it,” Mr. Harper said. The move comes a week after Russia planted a rustproof titanium flag on the seabed beneath the North Pole in a blatant attempt to stake a claim to the billions of tonnes of untapped energy resources believed to be under the Arctic Ocean.

Under international law, each of five Arctic countries–Canada, Russia, the United States, Norway and Denmark–controls an economic zone within 200 miles of its continental shelf. But the limits of that shelf are in dispute, and as Russia seeks to expand its gas and oil reserves, the region is at the centre of a battle for energy rights and ownership. Last week’s Russian expedition, when two mini-submarines reached the seabed 13,980ft (4,261m) beneath the North Pole, was part of a push by Moscow to find evidence for its claim that the Arctic seabed and Siberia are linked by a single continental shelf, thus making the polar region a geological extension of Russia.

The vessels recovered samples from the seabed in an attempt to demonstrate that the Lomonosov Ridge, an underwater shelf that runs through the Arctic, is an extension of Russian territory. The United Nations rejected that claim in 2002, citing lack of proof, but Moscow is expected to make its case again in 2009. Denmark and Canada also argue that the Lomonosov Ridge is connected to their territories. Norway is also conducting a survey to strengthen its case. All five Arctic nations are competing to secure subsurface rights to the seabed.

One study by the US Geological Survey estimates that the Arctic has as much as 25 per cent of the world’s undiscovered oil and gas. Canada was furious at the attempted Russian land grab. “This isn’t the 15th century,” Peter MacKay, the Canadian Foreign Minister, said. “You can’t go around the world and just plant flags and say, ‘We’re claiming this territory’.”

The move has clearly rattled the Harper administration, which is under domestic pressure to beef up its sovereignty claims to the disputed region.

Mr Harper said that his announcement of the new military facilities would “tell the world that Canada has a real, growing, long-term presence in the Arctic”. Standing next to Gordon O’Connor, his Defence Minister, and a group of Rangers–a rifle-toting Inuit volunteer force–Mr. Harper added: “Protecting national sovereignty, the integrity of our borders, is the first and foremost responsibility of a national government.”

Last month Mr. Harper announced that six to eight new navy patrol ships would be built to guard the Northwest Passage sea route in the Arctic..

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