Monday, August 13, 2007

Knesset votes for divesting convicted MKs of perks

House Committee approves move to withhold state benefits from Knesset members convicted of crimes of moral turpitude
Amnon Meranda

The Knesset House Committee voted unanimously Monday in favor of divesting Knesset members of perks if they are convicted of offenses of moral turpitude.

Former president
Katsav may lose all benefits but pension / Zvi Lavi

Knesset Finance Committee decides to revoke benefits from ex PMs and presidents who committed offenses that carry moral turpitude

The move comes weeks after the Finance Committee approved a similar law to withhold state benefits from former and present government officials who are convicted of criminal offenses.

Under the new law, convicted MKs will no longer be entitled to stipends to cover their phone bills and transportation expenses.

The Finance Committee approved the new regulation in the wake of former president Moshe Katsav's sexual assault scandal.

The committee divested Katsav of a series of perks, including a state-funded residence in Jerusalem, a driver and a state car.

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