Saturday, August 25, 2007

Khatib: IOA persists in barring entry of maintenance materials to Aqsa

Comment: The following is from an Arab paper-notice how they word smith the events.This is a form of "brain washing"-more on this another time!

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- Sheikh Azzam Al-Khatib, the director of the Islamic endowments in occupied Jerusalem, has warned of the danger of the IOA's persistence in barring the entry of renovation materials and electric cables to the Aqsa Mosque, as the holy month of Ramadan is nearing.
Khatib said that the IOA has been procrastinating over the entry of the main cable essential to power the mosque for three years and at any moment the power could be off because the old cable has eroded.

In the context of renovations, Khatib revealed that a fifth minaret for the Aqsa Mosque is being designed by the reconstruction committee in the Jordanian capital, Amman, affirming that work is almost finished.

He added that the entry of 70 spotlights to improve the lighting inside and outside the Dome of the Rock, within a project to develop the infrastructure of the holy Aqsa Mosque, is being hindered by the IOA, holding it fully responsible for any power outages in the Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan.

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