Tuesday, August 21, 2007

APU urges one minute silence against Israel

Comment: Just another example of the ongoing, daily, media washing in the Arab media to invalidate Israel's rights. This is necessary to keep its population focused upon an "external enemy" thus taking pressure off each Arab country's internal troubles. Thought you should be aware.

AMMAN: The Arab Parliamentary Union (APU) has called on world parliaments and organisations to observe one minute of silence to express condemnation of the continued Israeli violations in occupied Jerusalem and other occupied territories. The parliament said in a statement it issued on the 38th anniversary of the burning of Al Aqsa Mosque by an Australian, the third holiest shrine in Islama, that Jerusalem is "a red line for Arab and Islamic nations that should not be crossed."

"Jerusalem has an international legal status that Israel is seeking to change," the statement said.

It called for dismantling Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and eliminating the separation wall being constructed by Israel in the territory.

The statement reaffirmed the APU's support for the Arab initiative for peace with Israel and said the Jewish state was evading "just and comprehensive peace in order to continue its aggressive policies in the occupied territories."

"The 38th anniversary of the burning of Al Aqsa Mosque coincides with the continuation of the Israeli policies to juadize the holy city, the last of which was the excavation work carried out by Israel underneath the mosque's walls to obliterate the Arab and Islamic identity of Jerusalem," said the statement.

The Israeli daily Haaretez has reported that the Israeli occupation forces is working together with the Ateret Cohanim association to wrest from Palestinian landowners control of some four hectares of land in East Jerusalem and to transfer it to the association without a tender.

Ateret Cohanim promotes settlement of Jews in and around the Old City, and at times takes over Palestinian assets in East Jerusalem so as to "judaise" that area.

Haartez said it had seen documents showing that the occupation authorities have signed a deal with Ateret Cohanim for "the agricultural cultivation" of the plot in the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood of Arab East Jerusalem.

"The documents indicate that the contract was signed even though the land that the ILA (Israeli Land Authority) leased apparently does not belong to it and the interior ministry recognises that the Palestinian landowners 'have an interest' in it," said Haaretz.

The paper quoted a senior source at the ILA as saying that the contract was signed in order "to keep the territory in Jewish hands."

In a petition to the Israeli high court, the Palestinian landowners, the Arab Hotels Company, asks for the expropriation to be prohibited because it was done "for an extraneous, illegitimate, racist and discriminatory purpose ..."

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