Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Abdel Rahman: Hamas returned people in Gaza to an age worsen than the occupation's

Ramallah, August 25, 2007 (RNA) – The official spokesman of Fatah movement, Ahmed Abdel Rahman, denied Saturday any talks with the Hamas movement, asserting there’s no dialogue before ending the coup in the Gaza Strip.

Ramallah, August 25, 2007 (RNA) – The official spokesman of Fatah movement, Ahmed Abdel Rahman, denied Saturday any talks with the Hamas movement, asserting there’s no dialogue before ending the coup in the Gaza Strip.

Abdel Rahman, the president’s advisor, said in a Press Conference in Ramattan in Ramallah that “we assert on ending the coup and its aspects before any talks on dialogue or forming the national unity government.”

He said that Fatah insists on dissolving the illegal militias “this, what is called the executive force as well as the Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas armed wing), and there’s any future for this coup that increased the disasters and suffering of the Palestinians.”

Abdel Rahman said that Hamas had returned the people with its coup to an age worsen than of the occupation’s, where Israel is the only gainer.

Meanwhile, he condemned the ongoing Israeli aggressions where seven Palestinians had been killed within less than 24 hours, pointing out that Israel wants the continuation of chaos and security deterioration.

Talking about the return of a number of Fatah leaders, he said that president Mahmoud Abbas seeks the return of the leadership from exile, "and he had received an initial approval from Israel over this issue, however it was cleared later that in case their return it would be only a visit."

Abdel Rahman said that "we want their return to be complete and in dignity and we are working on this now. We hope this issue could be ended very soon."


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