Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Saudi Arabia – Evil Kingdom.


WASHINGTON: The US House of Representatives has voted to deny all aid (largely symbolic - $2.5million in 2005) to Saudi Arabia. Similar measures on aid to Saudi Arabia have been passed by the House before, but bypassed by President George W. Bush, using a loophole that had allowed the administration to waive these bans by invoking requirements of 'the war on terror':

1. Hamas received more than 50 per cent of its financing from Saudi Arabia, and last month alone, the Saudi Government planned to send $300million to the Islamist group.

2. The Saudi government of undermining US military efforts by making "no official move" to stop about 3000 Saudi nationals fighting US troops in Iraq.

3. Sheik Saleh al-Liuhaidan, head of the Saudi Arabian judiciary, had approved the transfer of money and men to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi (former head of al-Qa'ida in Iraq).

4. Up to 61per cent of suicide bombers in Iraq were of Saudi Arabian descent.

5. Saudi clerics continued to preach hate towards the US, Israel and their allies, while the Government cracked down against those calling for democratic reforms.

6. More than 40 Saudis are fighting with Fatah al-Islam terrorist group against Lebanese army in Palestinian camp near Tripoli

The US should not be rewarding Saudi Arabia for "their record of broken promises and disturbing terrorist ties" said congresswoman Shelley Berkley. (War in Iraq can be considered as a diversion of public opinion from real culprit and facilitator of international Islamic terrorism - Saudi Arabia, the country, which made the family of US president Bush rich! – There were 15 out of 19 hijackers during 9/11 attack on United States, who were citizens of Saudi Arabia!)

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